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G&P WOC review



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Old August 12th, 2012, 07:29   #1
Join Date: May 2009
G&P WOC review

This gun is pretty good out of the box, but there are a few problems. First thing, the mag sucks, mine wasn't even assembled proporly, and unless you have a special jig used in the factories, the mags are almost impossible to put back together, the other thing is that the mag outputs very little power, and looks bad. The next thing that got me, was the delta ring (the nut on the front of the reciever that holds the barrel in). It is tightened with such an immense amount of force, that I don't see how one could remove it without damaging some part of their gun, I had to vice grip the reciever, put a torch to the delta ring to loosen up the glue, and pull with a dangerous amount of force, not only that, but G&P threads very from product to product! On some guns the receivers are AEG threaded, on some, they use a proprietary G&P threading, and on others it is real steel M4 threading, and there is not way to tell until you try each different type of barrel nut. The next issue, is the bolt, it's complete garbage. It's made of a cheap zinc alloy, and the steel bolt stop wears down the bolt to the point where it won't catch when the mag is empty. The final issue I have with this, is the burst kit, my gun works fine in semi auto, but it is completely hit and miss with the burst function, sometimes the gun cycles the three shot properly, sometimes it fires one and doesn't blow back, sometimes it does a four or five shot burst, and others it fires once pauses, and let the other two go. There's a lot that's wrong with it, but it's immensely better than a WE, and if you use the right parts, it will work flawlessly. The biggest mistake people make with GBBR's, is thinking that cheap parts are okay to use with them, if you do this, your gun will never work. This gun does have a lot of pro's though, it kicks harder than any other brand of GBBR on the market, it uses a better gas system, which when tuned is very reliable, you get 50 BB's per mag (if you use ANY mag but a Pro Win V2, your gun will not feed all 50 rounds, and won't likely have enough force left to cycle the bolt), the gun is the most customisable GBBR on the market, there are literally thousands of parts for it, you can make the gun shoot harder, lighter, increase or decrease rate of fire, increase or decrease kick, use burst kits, put real steel parts on it, ect. In my opinion, this is the best GBBR you can buy in Canada for the price, I have had two WE rifles (M4 and PDW), and both had massive cool down issues, and I only got to use the open bolt kit in my PDW for two nights before the nozzle broke in half, so it may need work, but it is a lot easier to work on that WE's. Now, for my recommendations, buy: Pro Win V2 mags only! (they don't carry the 50 round mags here though). Replace the bolt, get a new trigger group, get an NPAS (so you can adjust your FPS, mine was shooting 480 with .2's with my Pwo Win mags, and only 320 with the G&P mag), other than that, customise your gun to your liking!

This was the review I wrote on, if there's anything I missed or you would like to know, please ask!
misomalu is offline   Reply With Quote
Old August 14th, 2012, 19:29   #2
Join Date: Nov 2010
Originally Posted by misomalu View Post
This gun is pretty good out of the box, but there are a few problems. First thing, the mag sucks, mine wasn't even assembled proporly, and unless you have a special jig used in the factories, the mags are almost impossible to put back together, the other thing is that the mag outputs very little power, and looks bad. The next thing that got me, was the delta ring (the nut on the front of the reciever that holds the barrel in). It is tightened with such an immense amount of force, that I don't see how one could remove it without damaging some part of their gun, I had to vice grip the reciever, put a torch to the delta ring to loosen up the glue, and pull with a dangerous amount of force, not only that, but G&P threads very from product to product! On some guns the receivers are AEG threaded, on some, they use a proprietary G&P threading, and on others it is real steel M4 threading, and there is not way to tell until you try each different type of barrel nut. The next issue, is the bolt, it's complete garbage. It's made of a cheap zinc alloy, and the steel bolt stop wears down the bolt to the point where it won't catch when the mag is empty. The final issue I have with this, is the burst kit, my gun works fine in semi auto, but it is completely hit and miss with the burst function, sometimes the gun cycles the three shot properly, sometimes it fires one and doesn't blow back, sometimes it does a four or five shot burst, and others it fires once pauses, and let the other two go. There's a lot that's wrong with it, but it's immensely better than a WE, and if you use the right parts, it will work flawlessly. The biggest mistake people make with GBBR's, is thinking that cheap parts are okay to use with them, if you do this, your gun will never work. This gun does have a lot of pro's though, it kicks harder than any other brand of GBBR on the market, it uses a better gas system, which when tuned is very reliable, you get 50 BB's per mag (if you use ANY mag but a Pro Win V2, your gun will not feed all 50 rounds, and won't likely have enough force left to cycle the bolt), the gun is the most customisable GBBR on the market, there are literally thousands of parts for it, you can make the gun shoot harder, lighter, increase or decrease rate of fire, increase or decrease kick, use burst kits, put real steel parts on it, ect. In my opinion, this is the best GBBR you can buy in Canada for the price, I have had two WE rifles (M4 and PDW), and both had massive cool down issues, and I only got to use the open bolt kit in my PDW for two nights before the nozzle broke in half, so it may need work, but it is a lot easier to work on that WE's. Now, for my recommendations, buy: Pro Win V2 mags only! (they don't carry the 50 round mags here though). Replace the bolt, get a new trigger group, get an NPAS (so you can adjust your FPS, mine was shooting 480 with .2's with my Pwo Win mags, and only 320 with the G&P mag), other than that, customise your gun to your liking!

This was the review I wrote on, if there's anything I missed or you would like to know, please ask!
Ok ill admit my english is not the best, but please next time use paragraphs..i have no idea what you're talking about
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