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Old June 26th, 2012, 22:19   #31
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Originally Posted by Fox62 View Post
LOL I think you're very ignorant on GBBR's. You try any of these guns? You have full builds?

Don't take all that much to make an AEG-reliable (or even more, given the ease with which you can check all the components) WE GBBR.

Ignorant on GBBR eh?? YUP What's a GBBR again?? hhmm let's see I've probably owned and used most of the airsoft gun that was ever made since the days of JACs and shell fed airsoft and in a matter of fact I do own and use classic airsoft and a fully functional custom WE, I've owned pretty much most of the closed and open bolt system since I sold my Garage Gun works/Smokeys M82A1, my favourite WE OB system that I currnetly have is my full RA-Tech XM177, I did own two Inokatsu M4 and I have shot and own for a brief time the KJW and other WA based GBBR like the WOC. I also have the extreme pleasure to shoot the custom GBBR in Hong kong and Taiwan where they are powered by CO2 in individual shells instead of mags, which if I may are way more accurate and reliable than the mag in the gas WE/WA/KJW based system. The amount of money to make a GBBR shoot as accurate and reliable compared to a AEG/PTW are enormous and quite finnicky from model to model and the only one I've seen and shot that will make most of the GBBR in the market now feel like a toy is the Custom GBBR rifle that I had the pleasure to shoot while I was in HK. In terms of enjoyment of use or realistic feel my stand on WE still stands the rest have their pros and cons but in order to fully imitate a real steel rifle a custom GBBR is still the way to go and the cost will be prohibitive to some. There are some systems that exist in Asia that only use CO2 and as such they require a lot of steel parts that is more robust than the usual pot metal that exist in current GBBR.

CNC Parts, Stainless steel and other goodies are available for the current GBBR platform if you know where to find it and don't mind the cost, there are small companies that don't have a website and survive basicly by word of mouth, these companies make a small batch of customized parts, unfortunately since they are quite a small operation we tend to miss them completely.

Last edited by wildcard; June 26th, 2012 at 22:57..
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Old June 26th, 2012, 23:02   #32
aka coachster
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Originally Posted by wildcard View Post
Ignorant on GBBR eh?? YUP What's a GBBR again??
lol! Luck for him he appears to be in Argentina.
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Old June 27th, 2012, 01:02   #33
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Originally Posted by Eien View Post
I'm a idiot. Someone post a picture of it.
Here's mine, but as said too stiff to use with the bolt in.
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Airsoft, where nothing is hurt but feelings.
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Old June 27th, 2012, 04:10   #34
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Originally Posted by wildcard View Post
Ignorant on GBBR eh?? YUP What's a GBBR again?? hhmm let's see I've probably owned and used most of the airsoft gun that was ever made since the days of JACs and shell fed airsoft and in a matter of fact I do own and use classic airsoft and a fully functional custom WE, I've owned pretty much most of the closed and open bolt system since I sold my Garage Gun works/Smokeys M82A1, my favourite WE OB system that I currnetly have is my full RA-Tech XM177, I did own two Inokatsu M4 and I have shot and own for a brief time the KJW and other WA based GBBR like the WOC. I also have the extreme pleasure to shoot the custom GBBR in Hong kong and Taiwan where they are powered by CO2 in individual shells instead of mags, which if I may are way more accurate and reliable than the mag in the gas WE/WA/KJW based system. The amount of money to make a GBBR shoot as accurate and reliable compared to a AEG/PTW are enormous and quite finnicky from model to model and the only one I've seen and shot that will make most of the GBBR in the market now feel like a toy is the Custom GBBR rifle that I had the pleasure to shoot while I was in HK. In terms of enjoyment of use or realistic feel my stand on WE still stands the rest have their pros and cons but in order to fully imitate a real steel rifle a custom GBBR is still the way to go and the cost will be prohibitive to some. There are some systems that exist in Asia that only use CO2 and as such they require a lot of steel parts that is more robust than the usual pot metal that exist in current GBBR.

CNC Parts, Stainless steel and other goodies are available for the current GBBR platform if you know where to find it and don't mind the cost, there are small companies that don't have a website and survive basicly by word of mouth, these companies make a small batch of customized parts, unfortunately since they are quite a small operation we tend to miss them completely.
You don't really need steel and CNC parts. Gas-in-mag design, CO2 has no advantage over Propane, and doesn't necessarily have a heavier recoil (it actually achieves less overall energy in WE guns because of the design of the CO2 mags).

As I said earlier, at least on the latest WE SCAR (which is the platform I have more experience with), you change the bolt (and it's not even essential), and the gun will run for a very long time. I don't really know what you're talking about.

Also, no wonder you think gas guns are crappy; the RA-TECH parts are the ones that suck for the most part. Their super bolt for the SCAR is horrible, and their trigger group isn't very impressive. Their precision barrels could be worse, I guess. Dude, you bought a "custom" gun from RA-TECH, how do you know the amount of money it takes to make a GBBR shoot reliably and consistently? I know the TM PSG, to turn into a decent DMR platform, can cost over 1500 bucks (all the prices I'm talking about are outside Canada). An OB SCAR (220 USD + 70 shipping), inner barrel and bucking (100 bucks all shipped), and the Modify steel bolt (120 bucks shipped), that's...well, you can get at least couple of 'em for what a PTW goes for.

Originally Posted by coach View Post
lol! Luck for him he appears to be in Argentina.
Oh, I've been to Canada. I don't like Canadians.

Originally Posted by Danke View Post
I'm running .30s which seemed to be the top tip from research. What are the other favorite weights?
I run a DMR, so I used .43. From experience, heavier ammo works wonders on gas guns. I know people who run the KWA MP7 on at least .36 with great results, and I'd even consider .40 for an assault rifle.


Last edited by Fox62; June 27th, 2012 at 04:19..
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Old June 27th, 2012, 04:16   #35
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Originally Posted by Fox62 View Post
Oh, I've been to Canada. I don't like Canadians.
You're in the wrong forum then.
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Old June 27th, 2012, 04:18   #36
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Originally Posted by Fox62 View Post
Oh, I've been to Canada. I don't like Canadians.
Why are you on Airsoft Canada then?
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Old June 27th, 2012, 07:07   #37
aka coachster
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Originally Posted by Fox62 View Post
You don't really need steel and CNC parts. Gas-in-mag design, CO2 has no advantage over Propane, and doesn't necessarily have a heavier recoil (it actually achieves less overall energy in WE guns because of the design of the CO2 mags).

As I said earlier, at least on the latest WE SCAR (which is the platform I have more experience with), you change the bolt (and it's not even essential), and the gun will run for a very long time. I don't really know what you're talking about.

Also, no wonder you think gas guns are crappy; the RA-TECH parts are the ones that suck for the most part. Their super bolt for the SCAR is horrible, and their trigger group isn't very impressive. Their precision barrels could be worse, I guess. Dude, you bought a "custom" gun from RA-TECH, how do you know the amount of money it takes to make a GBBR shoot reliably and consistently? I know the TM PSG, to turn into a decent DMR platform, can cost over 1500 bucks (all the prices I'm talking about are outside Canada). An OB SCAR (220 USD + 70 shipping), inner barrel and bucking (100 bucks all shipped), and the Modify steel bolt (120 bucks shipped), that's...well, you can get at least couple of 'em for what a PTW goes for.

Oh, I've been to Canada. I don't like Canadians.

I run a DMR, so I used .43. From experience, heavier ammo works wonders on gas guns. I know people who run the KWA MP7 on at least .36 with great results, and I'd even consider .40 for an assault rifle.

Have you built or used a WE with steel and CNC parts? Stating "you don't need" implies it but have you even tried it? You base a lot of your argument on a WE Scar, so what else do you actually have first hand knowledge with?
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Old June 27th, 2012, 07:26   #38
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Let's not turn this into a pissing contest gents.

Fox I suggest you skulk back to your dark corner. Coming onto a Canadian site and expressing your dislike for us will not make your stay here very comfortable. Play nice or don't bother playing at all.
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Old June 27th, 2012, 09:21   #39
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Originally Posted by Fox62 View Post
You don't really need steel and CNC parts. Gas-in-mag design, CO2 has no advantage over Propane, and doesn't necessarily have a heavier recoil (it actually achieves less overall energy in WE guns because of the design of the CO2 mags).

As I said earlier, at least on the latest WE SCAR (which is the platform I have more experience with), you change the bolt (and it's not even essential), and the gun will run for a very long time. I don't really know what you're talking about.

Also, no wonder you think gas guns are crappy; the RA-TECH parts are the ones that suck for the most part. Their super bolt for the SCAR is horrible, and their trigger group isn't very impressive. Their precision barrels could be worse, I guess. Dude, you bought a "custom" gun from RA-TECH, how do you know the amount of money it takes to make a GBBR shoot reliably and consistently? I know the TM PSG, to turn into a decent DMR platform, can cost over 1500 bucks (all the prices I'm talking about are outside Canada). An OB SCAR (220 USD + 70 shipping), inner barrel and bucking (100 bucks all shipped), and the Modify steel bolt (120 bucks shipped), that's...well, you can get at least couple of 'em for what a PTW goes for.

So no need for gas in the mags eh? what do you use in your WE scar? Foxy you need to read my post again i never said CO2 is better than propane I merely stated that a fully customized GBBR rifle with the propellant in the shell instead of the mags system that i have the pleasure to shoot with are far more reliable and realistic than most of the GBBR system out available to normal guys, I never say gas guns are crappy I merely state that there are no such thing as a reliable GBBR out in the market unless you go Full custom My "custom" Ra tech gun was build by myself through the info available here sure I can go for a uber elite custom rifle with custom parts and RS parts but that would make my "toy" more expensive than my RS rifle. Like I stated above there are small companies run by hobbyist instead of corporate types, so small that they survive by word of mouth that does custom parts from trigger kits to CNC metal bodies including mags and other hard to find accesories unfortunately they are so small that they are often overlooked or simply consumed by bigger companies like RA-tech, TSC etc.

Here is another one companies like Ratech, TSC etc. are the ones that made upgrade parts for GBBR affordable but never to a point where they make their stuff indestructible, The rifle I always mentioned are a Precision custom build with tolerances similar to a RS rifle (That's why they cost a buttload) every part inside including the shells are custom milled I would have to believe that any RS parts will fit into that rifle with no issue (which would make it very illegal here in Canada) there is virtually no airleak whatsoever in the chamber compared to any current GBBR it's almost like combining a PTW, daytona(W/O hose) and a OB GBBR with shell eject just like the real thing. Realism is also why some of us go for a GBBR, No? your scar with the plastic lower have a better fit than most of us running M4, with the pot metal lower there are some tolerance issue. There are guys here that have a RS build based on WE OB system that shoot wonders and perform way better than stock or modified version but I would hardly call that afforadable and not everyone here have the know how or access to a CNC or milling machine.

So Just to conclude my 2cents in terms of GBBR reliability, You want a bomb proof GBBR go full custom, if not there are good platforms out there with small modification or a full out mods you will still face issues but not as much as stock, gameability there is nothing more satisfying than to hear a WHACK!, WHACK!, WHACK! instead of a hummer from an AEG.

Cost, well a good GBBR is doable but the question will always exist HOW MUCH ARE YOU WILLING TO SPEND?? The quest and cost for realism in airsoft is sometime mindboggling and a bottomless trap which I and many here have falled for. Whether it's a $8000 plus for a ultimate GBBR toy, or putting a $3K worth of RS parts and accesories on a $250 toy it's still a toy made by a chinese company to imitate the real steel version.
So to answer the OP question IS THERE A GOOD RELIABLE GBBR? Answer is YES but how much are you willing to pay??

Last edited by wildcard; June 27th, 2012 at 11:11..
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Old June 27th, 2012, 13:05   #40
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Originally Posted by wildcard View Post
So no need for gas in the mags eh? what do you use in your WE scar? Foxy you need to read my post again i never said CO2 is better than propane I merely stated that a fully customized GBBR rifle with the propellant in the shell instead of the mags system that i have the pleasure to shoot with are far more reliable and realistic than most of the GBBR system out available to normal guys, I never say gas guns are crappy I merely state that there are no such thing as a reliable GBBR out in the market unless you go Full custom My "custom" Ra tech gun was build by myself through the info available here sure I can go for a uber elite custom rifle with custom parts and RS parts but that would make my "toy" more expensive than my RS rifle. Like I stated above there are small companies run by hobbyist instead of corporate types, so small that they survive by word of mouth that does custom parts from trigger kits to CNC metal bodies including mags and other hard to find accesories unfortunately they are so small that they are often overlooked or simply consumed by bigger companies like RA-tech, TSC etc.

Here is another one companies like Ratech, TSC etc. are the ones that made upgrade parts for GBBR affordable but never to a point where they make their stuff indestructible, The rifle I always mentioned are a Precision custom build with tolerances similar to a RS rifle (That's why they cost a buttload) every part inside including the shells are custom milled I would have to believe that any RS parts will fit into that rifle with no issue (which would make it very illegal here in Canada) there is virtually no airleak whatsoever in the chamber compared to any current GBBR it's almost like combining a PTW, daytona(W/O hose) and a OB GBBR with shell eject just like the real thing. Realism is also why some of us go for a GBBR, No? your scar with the plastic lower have a better fit than most of us running M4, with the pot metal lower there are some tolerance issue. There are guys here that have a RS build based on WE OB system that shoot wonders and perform way better than stock or modified version but I would hardly call that afforadable and not everyone here have the know how or access to a CNC or milling machine.

So Just to conclude my 2cents in terms of GBBR reliability, You want a bomb proof GBBR go full custom, if not there are good platforms out there with small modification or a full out mods you will still face issues but not as much as stock, gameability there is nothing more satisfying than to hear a WHACK!, WHACK!, WHACK! instead of a hummer from an AEG.

Cost, well a good GBBR is doable but the question will always exist HOW MUCH ARE YOU WILLING TO SPEND?? The quest and cost for realism in airsoft is sometime mindboggling and a bottomless trap which I and many here have falled for. Whether it's a $8000 plus for a ultimate GBBR toy, or putting a $3K worth of RS parts and accesories on a $250 toy it's still a toy made by a chinese company to imitate the real steel version.
So to answer the OP question IS THERE A GOOD RELIABLE GBBR? Answer is YES but how much are you willing to pay??
Alright, now that's a decent reply.

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Old June 27th, 2012, 13:20   #41
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Originally Posted by Fox62 View Post

Oh, I've been to Canada. I don't like Canadians.
Situational Awareness FAIL. Go beat your face.
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Old June 27th, 2012, 14:02   #42
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by Fox62 View Post

Oh, I've been to Canada. I don't like Canadians.

I know a few guys who came close to Argentina.. in the early 80s... they seemed to like Argentinians fine.. generally not much trouble, easy to deal with..

Kinda like the French..

Aaaanyway... there is some good GBBR.. info compiled in this thread for experienced users..

and it's clear that ASC is THE source for all things Airsoft.. the world over..

Fox is not the only fellow from afar who come here to get info.
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old June 27th, 2012, 14:08   #43
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
some good GBBR.. info compiled in this thread for experienced users..

and it's clear that ASC is THE source for all things Airsoft.. the world over..

Fox is not the only fellow from afar who come here to get info.
It really is quite amazing Canada has on the airsoft world. We seem to have a very dedicated playerbase, maybe this stems from how hard it was for us to get guns for a long time?

As far as gbbrs go i still have to throw in the shameless plug for the kc02, though its not an m4 or an m4 variant its still one of the most reliable out of the box guns you can get in the gbbr market.
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Originally Posted by GBBR View Post
If you ever go to a milsim and hear a vuvuzela, you are fucked.
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Old June 27th, 2012, 14:27   #44
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seems the best playerbases come from countries with the most restrictive firearms laws. :P japan, canada, uk... who else? :P Wonder if the data actually correlates.
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Old June 27th, 2012, 15:11   #45
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Originally Posted by Fox62 View Post
Oh, I've been to Canada. I don't like Canadians.
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