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First Line Kit Gallery - drop legs/rigger's belts, etc


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Old March 23rd, 2011, 07:26   #1
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First Line Kit Gallery - drop legs/rigger's belts, etc

Hey everyone i just want to see what people are running for there first line kit this is what i'm looking forward to seeing

Your first line kit are the bare essentials that will see you through to fight another day. This usually includes your pistol, magazines for rifle and pistol, E&E kit, some water and sustainment food, and the like. Smoke grenade, knife, multi-tool, signaling device and FAK are probably good ideas too.

Your second line kit is the rig that brings the immediate noise. It will consist of everything you require to complete a task at hand (unless you require specialized equipment, like breaching tools) and execute the fight without being overly cumbersome. Usually this will consist of some sort of chest rig or vest, holding ammo and munitions, a high-powered communication device, and greater quantities of other sustainment items like food and water. A blow-out kit and other mission tools, like GPS and NOD, should also be on this line.

Your third line will consist of everything not immediately necessary for your survival (mission notwithstanding). Think of it as your treasure trove to sustain an indefinite fight. This includes even more ammo, usually loose rounds and loaded magazines, overnight kit, extra clothing items, advanced medical support (if you have that role), water and purification items, other communication devices, and other interesting things you may require during your mission but don't expect to immediately use.

thx Smurf
Smuf: (Ceasar's Ghost) & (Caledon Airsofter)


Last edited by Smurf; March 23rd, 2011 at 07:28..
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Old April 14th, 2011, 12:18   #2
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Well well... this thread is missing some action. I'll start.

"Light" MSOB'09 firstline.

Tactical Tailor Duty Belt*
FSBEII Dive Belt Adapter
FSBEII .45 mag pouches (x3)
FSBEII dump pouch
FSBEII E&R bag (used as IFAK; worn over belt)
Pistol lanyard (I belive it's SDS - unsure)
Blade-Tech 1911 holster
Gerber pouch w/multitool

*It's actually on its way. For the picture, I ductaped together two BDU belts for stiffness and made them go through ITW 2in buckles. Don't they say "adapt, improvise, overcome"? Works good enough for now!

I might add a Surefire V70 holster, when I find one in tan under 40 bucks...

Comments, advice welcomed!
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Old April 14th, 2011, 17:35   #3
Originally Posted by Smurf View Post
Your first line kit are the bare essentials that will see you through to fight another day. This usually includes your pistol, magazines for rifle and pistol, E&E kit, some water and sustainment food, and the like. Smoke grenade, knife, multi-tool, signaling device and FAK are probably good ideas too.
That's a heavy first line, I haven't seen anyone carry food or water on a first line, or signal device, etc. Most rifle mags are carried on the second line, some dudes might carry 1 or 2 mags max on the first line belt. E&E kit is another kind of rare piece of kit, atleast convential mil side. Some guys will dudes will also carry their AN/PRC 148/152 on their first line belt.

Originally Posted by Smurf View Post
Your second line kit is the rig that brings the immediate noise. It will consist of everything you require to complete a task at hand (unless you require specialized equipment, like breaching tools) and execute the fight without being overly cumbersome. Usually this will consist of some sort of chest rig or vest, holding ammo and munitions, a high-powered communication device, and greater quantities of other sustainment items like food and water. A blow-out kit and other mission tools, like GPS and NOD, should also be on this line.
2nd line is where you would find water on pers and maybe some food(at most a field stripped ration, or more common some cliff bars or whatever). Also bringing food and how much depends on the type of mission and how long you are going out for.

I see you mention a FAK on the first line and a blow out kit on the second line, what do you mean by each? FAK as in a boo boo kit like band aids and other basics and blow out kit for trauma? Generally depending on your set up the IFAK or blow out kit as you call it will either be on the first line belt or 2nd line plate carrier/chest rig or whatever. A basic first aid kit will be in the third line. And saying a NOD should be on the 2nd line? That's open to debate, some carry it on 2nd others on 3rd.

Originally Posted by Smurf View Post
Your third line will consist of everything not immediately necessary for your survival (mission notwithstanding). Think of it as your treasure trove to sustain an indefinite fight. This includes even more ammo, usually loose rounds and loaded magazines, overnight kit, extra clothing items, advanced medical support (if you have that role), water and purification items, other communication devices, and other interesting things you may require during your mission but don't expect to immediately use.
I don't know anyone who carries "loose rounds" in their pack, it will generally be in extra mags or in clips. What you carry on the third line, and if you will even have a third line again depends on how long you are going for and your job. Unless you are the RTO/Signaller you won't have a radio in your pack. Extra clothing items, only thing that would be packed for that would be extra socks and maybe a pair of underwear an t-shirt, if it's cold out thermals or a fleece/softie jacket.
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Old April 14th, 2011, 17:55   #4
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Originally Posted by Smurf View Post
Hey everyone i just want to see what people are running for there first line kit this is what i'm looking forward to seeing

Your first line kit are the bare essentials that will see you through to fight another day. This usually includes your pistol, magazines for rifle and pistol, E&E kit, some water and sustainment food, and the like. Smoke grenade, knife, multi-tool, signaling device and FAK are probably good ideas too.

Your second line kit is the rig that brings the immediate noise. It will consist of everything you require to complete a task at hand (unless you require specialized equipment, like breaching tools) and execute the fight without being overly cumbersome. Usually this will consist of some sort of chest rig or vest, holding ammo and munitions, a high-powered communication device, and greater quantities of other sustainment items like food and water. A blow-out kit and other mission tools, like GPS and NOD, should also be on this line.

Your third line will consist of everything not immediately necessary for your survival (mission notwithstanding). Think of it as your treasure trove to sustain an indefinite fight. This includes even more ammo, usually loose rounds and loaded magazines, overnight kit, extra clothing items, advanced medical support (if you have that role), water and purification items, other communication devices, and other interesting things you may require during your mission but don't expect to immediately use.

thx Smurf
I thought this looked familiar... he didn't type this out its a direct copy from the CIRAS loadout thread that was put up in 2007.. it has been copied several times into different threads as well...
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Old April 14th, 2011, 18:07   #5
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@SMurf That first line does sound extremely heavy. It basically lists an entire Vietnam era infantrymens loadout as a first line kit. I was under the impression that first line is meant to be extremely light and only include things one would like to still have after removing amour/LBV.

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Old April 14th, 2011, 19:07   #6
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From my understanding the First line is there to allow an individual to fight his way back to his second line.. Vehicle .. etc...

My First Line
- Corcan Duty Belt
- 5.11 Double Pistol Magazine Pouch
- 2 X HSGI TACO Single AR Magazine Pouch
- Huang Dump Pouch.. Will be replace by a Maxpedition Rolly Polly Dump Pouch at some point
- Blackhawk Serpa CQC Holster and Blackhawk Thigh Holster Panel
- Unknown Pistol Lanyard (does the job though)
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Old April 14th, 2011, 19:09   #7
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Would better be called belt/dropleg kit thread. This is usually first line items, but not exclusively... IMHO that'd be better to reduce confusion.
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Old April 15th, 2011, 15:23   #8
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Originally Posted by BGrail25 View Post
I'm no expert on the law, but the only victims of rape in this story are the 40 men.
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Old April 19th, 2011, 22:12   #9
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heres mine

standard duty belt
Huang kydex M4 mag pouch
Huang dump pouch
Huang USP serpa holster
rubber training knife
TAG double flashbang pouch
Maxpedition 1qt canteen pouch w/ canteen
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Old May 26th, 2011, 07:27   #10
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Leading up to the last milsim I'd been playing around with running items on my belt, generally following the layout posted here already.

I ended up with a hodgepodge of stuff to see how it worked out.
- blackhawk trainers/riggers belt...stiff on it's own, used as an inner
- blackhawk suspenders
- old duty belt (probably uncle mikes) has since lost a lot of its stiffness
- 4 keepers + the suspender attachments to keep it attached to the riggers belt...worked so-so, but started to sag by the end of the day.

- serpa + hicapa
- multitool
- rubber knife
- eagle fold up dump pouch
- some sort of large pouch (gas mask pouch I think) that held 5 M4 mags
- jury rigged eagle drop leg dump pouch "box" (boxy pouch with flip lid) for misc items/NV/etc

At times we doffed our chestrigs/packs when we didn't need them. But we had to gear up quick or react at any given moment to whatever came up. We were on comms throughout.

- the rig was a bit heavy and thus became floppy after 20hrs
- did not need so many mags on me...2 spares would have sufficied
- should have had my radio on my first line since I was on comms for the duration
- smaller/dedicated secure pouches would have been better than the one large general purpose box pouch
- I ended up using the box pouch for a dump pouch..didn't need the box pouch AND the little dump pouch
- would have liked to have had a water bottle pouch on it

+ it was nice to be able to doff 2nd/3rd line gear to cool down, take a load off
+ the large boxy GP pouch made it easy to quickly stash NV, radio, odds...but not all that securely
+ dirt cheap since it was cobbled together with leftovers/odds/ends

I've taken a good look at some of the blast/battle belts. Main concern is overloading it and having it be really bulky with a 2nd line.

I think I'm going to try a stiffer setup and pare down the number of mags I keep on it. Looking hard at the ATS warbelt and the CTOMS XP (CP?) belt system. Perhaps the EMDOMS system.

Suspenders are a must for me though.

** Update **
Since that game I've been thinking of setting up a dedicated belt system and took the plunge on that.

Blackhawk (Recon Commando something chest a RRV)
- top loading admin pouch (snack, pens, misc)
- triple double blackhawk M4 panel
- stacked tacos (2 AK mags)
- stacked tacos (2 AK mags)
- misc mini admin

Blackwater Battle Belt w/ Blackhawk suspenders
* - I'd like to add a pouch/sheath here for a flashlight
- single taco (M4 mag)
- Phantom radio pouch
- rubber knife
- TAG roll up dump pouch
- can't remember what make frag pouch...holds 1st aid/boo-boo kit
- 1911 serpa + modded Hicapa 5.1
- Eagle double M4 pouch...just put it on trying something out, might not stay or may keep for smoke/frag
- Phantom frag pouch
- Leatherman wave...sort of tucked out of view

I've got HSGI suspenders coming in...and I'll see if those work as well or better than the ones I'm using now. The belt is stable...just enough weight to keep it in place and to let you know it's there. Comfy enough and if I hike up the RRV a bit everything clears nicely...which was my main concern with setting up such a belt. The only downside is that the current suspenders are sized to go to a regular belt...and hiked up enough for the battle belt it puts the sliders right up at the shoulders, which I suspect will cause pressure points with rigs/packs/hydration on it.

Last edited by m102404; June 14th, 2011 at 08:50..
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Old March 11th, 2012, 22:19   #11
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This thread needed a desperate bump

My 1st line as it stands right now:

- Corcan Duty belt - I am thinking about going to a HSGI Sure Grip Padded belt - but because I am 5'7 I may be to short to have this work well with a 2nd line

- BHI Single Stack Kydex pistol mag pouches x 3
- HSGI Taco Rifle Mag Pouch x 2
- Phantom General Purpose Pouch - FAK
- BHI Leg mount
- BHI 1911 CQC holster - looking to change it to a level two retention with full cover
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Old March 11th, 2012, 23:24   #12
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Nathan that is your second line... your first line is the belt.
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Old March 11th, 2012, 23:34   #13
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i was gonna say looked like a chest rig.. yea najohn 1st line is belt kit
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Old March 12th, 2012, 00:08   #14
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My first line (generally what I carry to a CQB game
Hat- to keep sun/light rain off head
School bag ( I kid 5 Magazine side bag, Snacks, Oil bottle,speed loader,multi tool in side pouch)
2L Canteen
Waist belt to keep the equipment for swinging around and to attach equipment too.
Kneepads (optional)

My second line ( What I carry for a Day skrim)
Radio pouch
First aid kit
Chestrig or vest
Equipment bag/gasmask bag (stores more food)
Pistol holster with extra Mags (Optional)

My 3rd line (MILSIM!)
Rucksack (includes Raincoat,loose ammo, Shelter, Sleeping bag etc.
Nightvision optics and Cleaning kit + spare batteries (optional)
Extra gun (something small like my AKS-47u or Sten gun)
Considering a hydration bladder for more water.
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Old March 12th, 2012, 00:09   #15
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I meant to put "usually" in there.. but yea its usually stuff you have on your belt as that line, for the most part, is always on you and doesnt come off. but if thats all your run well then thats your first line I guess.

edit: also says in the thread title - drop legs/rigger's belts etc .. so there you go.

Last edited by Ballcancer; March 12th, 2012 at 00:16..
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