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Cyma galil sar



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Old April 9th, 2010, 19:14   #1
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Cyma galil sar

This is an initial impressions review of the Galil SAR from CYMA. I won’t be boring you with details pertaining to the real steel version. If you are interested in info regarding that model then Google it.

Sadly our digital camera is acting up, But my wife was able to snap a picture of it before the camera gave up the ghost.
Bear in mind we are the second owners of this gun.

Build quality
CYMA has put considerable effort into this AEG, from tip to toe its mainly metal, with only the for grip and pistol grip getting a plastic treatment, and even those pieces are well made and solid. As for fitment the Folding stock does have less than a millimeter of play when folded and less then that when extended, and is altogether unnoticeable. The charging handle is prone to damage and will “spin” freely, this can be easily fixed however so that’s not a deal breaker (the previous owner did in fact experience this issue and it was resolved by adding a small washer). The bolt cover is a light piece that does have some play to it, so again leave it alone unless your adjusting the hop up. The battery resides in exactly the same place as an AKS but has less room a standard AK stick will JUST fit and even then its tight, so no 9.4 batteries are going in here, a lipo could be used but I would suggest some upgrades (that I will go into later) before doing so. The screw that secures the selector switch is something to watch, make sure it’s secure as it can be a little finky. The magazine is huge, and is quiet snug in the mag well, it operates exactly like the AK only the galil has a longer magazine release, the size of this AEG’s mag well means that AK type mags may fit, but people report that they do not feed well, I will have to test this further and find out what mags will feed and what won’t.
The Folding stock is secured to the body quiet well, and is very solid, it is nice to note that the sling mount location is actually attached to the base of the swivel for the stock and not the stock itself unlike AK’s, which means that with sling attached the sling will stay on the left side of the gun even if the stock is folded, a nice design choice made by the Israelis, both sling attachment points are solid and I have no worries about using a sling with this rifle. One thing, CYMA accidentally got the dimensions off for the folding stock, and as such when the stock is folded the charging handle will hit the butt of the stock and therefore cannot be fully opened, again not a deal breaker as there is no blowback and there is no reason to be playing with the charging handle. The paint is slightly scuffed (showing silver underneath) which leads me to believe that this will happen all over as its used more, this is not a problem for me as I prefer the “used” look that it imparts.

Im no Gun doctor and Ive been out of the scene for a long time, but the internals are quiet nice, it uses V3 Mechbox (which looks quite different than the ones I’ve looked at in the past.) and an AK type Hopup assembly (which is plastic). The internal parts are of fairly good quality save the air nozzle, spring guide and hop up which are pretty cheap looking, however those are easy to replace if/when they break so again no big deal there. I don’t have a chrono but I will report once I get it chronoed at the next game and update then. As for wiring, they appear to be thin, which might be a design point as they are probably lower resistance, however they would need to be replaced before one could switch to LIPO, as well the mini type connectors are fairly cheap looking as is the trigger assembly and if one cared to this gun could benefit from a mosfet, deans, and better wiring. Which I might do if it ever breaks, but as it stands the gun is very responsive with an 8.4 in both auto and Semi, and has a reasonable ROF (slightly low but that’s how I prefer it). Someone has taken this gun apart before and cleaned and regreased it, they did a great job, but if you bought one new I would probably suggest you do the same as I cannot attest to how it looked factory stock.

I will conduct further testing at the May 1st game to determine its accuracy and range. I will post back there (and hopefully a few pictures). As well I am considering removing the foregrip/pistol grip and painting them tan, But that’s up to my wife (its her’s).

All in all, I would rate it as follows
• Externally, it’s great for the money, the metal used is solid and the fitment is acceptable. The trademarks are correct but “painted” on but again at half the price of any other galil on the market this can be overlooked. I give it a 8/10
• Internally. Considering it’s a budget full metal AEG Im fairly impressed, the parts that should need replacing are cheap and easy to find. Upgrading it to be lipo ready could prove expensive though. But then again, I could throw in a complete SYSTEMA Prebuilt V3 and a mosfet with new wiring and this AEG would still be cheaper than a brand new ICS or KA Galil. So I give it a 5/10

The “scoop” or TLR
• Solid build for the price, metal everywhere and good fitment
• Rock bottom price

• No low/mid caps easily available, Hicaps are hard to come by.
• Internals could use some work, and expect to do so if you’re going to be using this as a primary often.
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Old April 9th, 2010, 21:10   #2
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I've handled a few of these and I can also attest to the fact that they're really solid feeling guns.
And again the only problem is the weak/flimsy bolt handle.

AK magazines will not fit in this gun.

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Old April 9th, 2010, 22:25   #3
Assault Pioneer
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
I've handled a few of these and I can also attest to the fact that they're really solid feeling guns.
And again the only problem is the weak/flimsy bolt handle.

AK magazines will not fit in this gun.
not necessarily.

was at a game with Jeff, manager of capital airsoft. I had my CYMA Galil SAR and he had a CYMA ak-74u, I was curios if it was true so I asked to borrow his mag, a cyma AK74 hicap (it was n00b day there so anything went) and it locked right into place and fed just well. mayber a little electrical tape around the sides to make it a little wider to decrease some wobble but that wasn't a problem unless your a guy who likes to hold onto the mag ready to reload when it dries. (pointer finger pressing against the bottom of the reciever, other fingers wrapped around the mag and thumb on the mag release guard)
Originally Posted by Strelok View Post
Wow, best derailed thread, ever.
Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
Don't take weapons training from a book. It ranks right up there with people who think they know guns from watching a Chris Costa video.

Last edited by Assault Pioneer; April 9th, 2010 at 22:28..
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Old April 9th, 2010, 22:31   #4
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
I've handled a few of these and I can also attest to the fact that they're really solid feeling guns.
And again the only problem is the weak/flimsy bolt handle.

AK magazines will not fit in this gun.
Here's the thing I think is funny.

The mechbox is standard fare V3, its practically interchangeable with marui or anything else for that matter (for the most part).

Which means, for the price of this gun your basically getting a really nice custom metal body and front end kit with a free mechbox (thank lt_poncho for that revelation) and if anything does fail internally its fairly easy to find replacements of superior quality.

And your right, According to the general consensus on the internets no magazine but the CYMA highcap fits and feeds properly. Which means that barring some custom Midcap making, your going to be stuck using highcaps. Meh, its a small sacrifice to make for a very nice and inexpensive gun. But as I don't have any ak mags on me I did not want to confirm that in my review.

Strangely though, I would not recommend this gun to beginners as it is of fairly vanilla quality internally it will most likely require upgrades relatively soon after purchase.

I've also read that the CYMA AK74 highcap mags will feed, but why bother, they don't cost much less then the galil mags and they are highcaps as well. and to be honest the galil mags are not that hard to find anymore alot of american retailers are carrying them.

Would I buy a tonne of CYMA stuff. Probably not, but given the price point, they are not half bad.

Last edited by Rugger_can; April 9th, 2010 at 22:36..
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Old April 9th, 2010, 22:44   #5
Assault Pioneer
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Originally Posted by Rugger_can View Post
I've also read that the CYMA AK74 highcap mags will feed, but why bother, they don't cost much less then the galil mags and they are highcaps as well. and to be honest the galil mags are not that hard to find anymore alot of american retailers are carrying them.
yeah, it's uh,,, it's in the post right above yours.

what I'm saying is that the CYMA ak-74 magazine dimensions (length, width) will fit into the CYMA galil, so 74 mid caps and low-caps SHOULD fit since their the exact same when it comes to sliding into the magwell. the only place I found that sold CYMA galil mags was airsoftgi, they were kinda expensive ($30 a piece plus shipping) and do you really want to be packing around 8000 rounds or ammo? I have 3 extra for mine but only fill two, and thats including the one in the gun. if you WANT you could use cyma ak-74 mags but grab a buddies and test it first

my bolt handle was coming loos aswell, nothing a little lock tight couldn't fix. rock solid gun, mines practially brown with all the dirt and mud that been ground into it. haven't opened the mechbox yet I haven't needed too and I've had it since summer 09' and use it frequently (I love my district-9 loadout )
Originally Posted by Strelok View Post
Wow, best derailed thread, ever.
Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
Don't take weapons training from a book. It ranks right up there with people who think they know guns from watching a Chris Costa video.

Last edited by Assault Pioneer; April 9th, 2010 at 22:47..
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Old April 9th, 2010, 23:12   #6
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Originally Posted by Assault Pioneer View Post
yeah, it's uh,,, it's in the post right above yours.

what I'm saying is that the CYMA ak-74 magazine dimensions (length, width) will fit into the CYMA galil, so 74 mid caps and low-caps SHOULD fit since their the exact same when it comes to sliding into the magwell. the only place I found that sold CYMA galil mags was airsoftgi, they were kinda expensive ($30 a piece plus shipping) and do you really want to be packing around 8000 rounds or ammo? I have 3 extra for mine but only fill two, and thats including the one in the gun. if you WANT you could use cyma ak-74 mags but grab a buddies and test it first

my bolt handle was coming loos aswell, nothing a little lock tight couldn't fix. rock solid gun, mines practially brown with all the dirt and mud that been ground into it. haven't opened the mechbox yet I haven't needed too and I've had it since summer 09' and use it frequently (I love my district-9 loadout )
I was not aware cyma made 74 lowcaps. My bad.

And I will probably pick one up for her so she doesn't have to refill it in the middle of a game on the off chance she burns through 430 rounds.
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