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Quick question


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Old October 20th, 2009, 21:03   #1
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Ottawa ON
Send a message via MSN to icemaster285
Quick question

Hey guys, I'm new here and really don't know where to post this.

I was asking the same question to the creator or en event this weekend. He said that his field aloud -18 players to play with an adult playing with them, or at least sign the waver.

Now the problem is I'm into airsofting, but that's because of my cousin. He just turned 16 this year. He's been playing airsoft since he was about 14 or so, but before that he always played paintball and was pretty good at it then. I only saw him play airsoft once and from what I saw he was pretty good, could use major improvements, but don't we all? lol

*-> Anyways what I'm getting to is, are there any fields near Ottawa that allow -18 age players to play on their fields, or is it just 18+. Would there be exceptions to those rules if an adult was with him (I'd be with him, or at least try to be most of the times)? Or is it just 18+ and it's final?
(from my point of view hes a mature guy for his age, doesn't do anything stupid apart from when hes with his friends, but didn't we all when we had that age? lmao)

Thanks for answering my question.

(AKA Patrick)
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Old October 20th, 2009, 21:22   #2
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I can't answer this and it's really up to the field owners but I wouldn't see a problem with it. I mean it's better than mommy dropping off the kid at the start of the day, leaving him there and coming back from shopping or whatever at the end of the day.

Most clubs and teams however will require 18+ for membership.

EDIT: An example,

Lets say I have a team "The Toronto Ptarmigans" and I stipulate that any member who wants to join must be 18+, well that's my choosing, it doesn't prevent a younger player from showing up at the field for a game (IF the owner allows it). It just means that the guys that I play with will usually have the same goals for team dynamics and such (eg. WWI/II re-enactors, PMC re-enactors, a For Fun team, a "Drinking team" (after the game not on the field), a military tactics team, etc.)
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Last edited by L473ncy; October 20th, 2009 at 21:29..
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Old October 21st, 2009, 19:14   #3
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Ottawa ON
Send a message via MSN to icemaster285
Yea I don't want my cousin to have a membership, I just want him to be able to play with me.

But I guess if I see any games that I can attend, I'll just send a PM to the creator/admin about it to see if he will allow -18 players.

Thanks for the help
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