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Feds networking?



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Old December 17th, 2009, 18:31   #1
Papabois's Avatar
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Feds networking?

Hi all.

If I was to make a airsoft gun related purchase, would this information be cross-linked with other informations, at a federal database level? If it was done with Paypal?

Would this show up on credit reports, banking information, fishing licence info, etc.

Is there a database that has all one's info, and how can one access this info, to check up on one's own file?

Just a little spooked, and don't want to be "Flagged" with "gun-labels", that migh also affect travelling accross borders.
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Old December 17th, 2009, 18:35   #2
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If you aren't doing anything illegal you have nothing to worry about.
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Old December 17th, 2009, 19:02   #3
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Nothing illegal. And keep in mind I have never had nor touch a real firearm.

This is why I ask: I just bought two magazines for the USP. I mmissed the delivery (they didn't knock), so had to go to purolater for pick-up. The attendant entered my info into her computer, and then had an odd facial expression (triggered the uh-oh-sense in me). Then she went and got the package...all new mags.

The next day, I went to log into my bank to check the ballance. Denied.
Went to do it through the phone. Denied.
Talked to the rep on the phone, they typed in my info, then all of a sudden no more help. She said I had to go into my branch.

Went into my branch, said my my accesses have been denied. She said failed log ons to my acount have triggered it to deny all access. I have not messed up any log-on attemps lately.

Then she asked me if I had my gun permit, or firearms permit, ACUF or something like that (can't remember). I'm thinking what the hell this has to do with me wanting to see how much money I had (need groceries). My account info is all messed up she said.

Then the previous weird experiences the day before entered my head.

Now I have an appointment with bank to sort out my info. I have to go in with all kinds of documents (all gonvernment linked I might add), to set things straight.

My spidey-sense says don't go in.

Could this be messed up from a hacker trying to get in my bank, a federally trying to access acount info because of the airsoft mag purchase?


Last edited by Papabois; December 17th, 2009 at 19:05..
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Old December 17th, 2009, 19:03   #4
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Where did you buy your mags from?
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Originally Posted by BGrail25 View Post
I'm no expert on the law, but the only victims of rape in this story are the 40 men.
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Old December 17th, 2009, 19:05   #5
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Old December 17th, 2009, 19:08   #6
Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw
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Its possible you have a virus on your pc that monitors your actions/keystrokes or something of the like. Have you run a diagnostic scan witha reputable scanner? Do you even have one?
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Originally Posted by Pliskin View Post
This is the equivalent to knocking on deaths door and blowing his head off with a shotgun.
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Old December 17th, 2009, 19:15   #7
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@ Rock 'N' Roll

Just wiped my hardrive today, incase. But I've heard if the hack was by the federallys, their stuff stays in the computer. I have not the computer prowess, to confirm.

@ Donster. I'm no baddie. I got in a bad fight with a dude years ago, and the system made me wash dishes for a summer, but no man, I fly by the book.

I'll up tonight waiting though....
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Old December 17th, 2009, 19:21   #8
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Most likely a virus keylogger etc. Sounds like someone was trying to access your bank accounts and the bank has locked things down to safeguard your money.

It's an inconvenience I know, but it beats having empty bank accounts. I've previously had my credit card cancelled while on vacation back in Alberta because I topped up my rental car w/ gas, then went to Home Depot (needed supplies to help folks put up fence) and then to the grocery store (bbq that night). I had forgotten my cellphone in a date's car after the first date (I insist to this day it wasn't on purpose to get a second date, but we're engaged now so who am I to argue?) so the CC company couldn't get ahold of me, then they cancelled the card.

When I called in the rep explained to me that "when someone steals a credit card, the first three places they most likely purchase items at are grocery stores, home improvement stores, and fill up on gas"...

All you should have to do is show them two pieces of govn't ID and they'll give you your access back.
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Old December 17th, 2009, 19:22   #9
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Originally Posted by Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw View Post
Its possible you have a virus on your pc that monitors your actions/keystrokes or something of the like. Have you run a diagnostic scan witha reputable scanner? Do you even have one?
Might not work if it's FUD (Fully UnDetectable). Virus scans will usually take out most but even good ones can get tricked by FUD Viruses, usually these are small time guys not big ones that are well known who are infecting millions of machines.

If you were ordering from somewhere like the US and the seller wrote something like "Pistol Magazines" then yeah that might be cause for alarm but if it's local there shouldn't be anything to worry about.

Most likely you had your shit cloned if you use debit in shady places or there's a RAT (Remote Access Trojan)/FUD Keylogger.

Also try and pinpoint the exact IP of the attempted logins. If it was from your computer then it's probably a RAT but if it's from a different IP then it's either someone cloned your bank details/card or you have a Keylogger.

Protect yourself. PUT A FRAUD ALERT ON YOUR ACCOUNTS. This should prevent people from signing up for CC's/Mortgages/Line of Credit etc. or requesting new SIN's under your name.

PS: Just because it's "the feds" doesn't mean that they have the poweress to keep stuff you have on the computer. They probably can and Virus makers in the wild sometimes do too by writing stuff to places like the MBR. If the virus persists I think the only way to remove it is to destroy the MBR (Master Boot Record) and "shred the disk" by writing garbage data everywhere and then reinstalling.
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Last edited by L473ncy; December 17th, 2009 at 19:26..
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Old December 17th, 2009, 19:23   #10
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Second post to the OP because I didn't see your last one: You are very paranoid about the govn't spying on you. Unless you have something to hide don't worry about it - they have a hard enough time catching real terrorists/online criminals/kiddy porn barons that I highly doubt they are zeroing in on your location right now, calling in the swat team over two USP mags.
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Old December 17th, 2009, 19:27   #11
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Originally Posted by Kokanee View Post
you should have to do is show them two pieces of govn't ID and they'll give you your access back.
That's what the bank clerk said the appointment is for. Cool.
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Old December 17th, 2009, 19:32   #12
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Originally Posted by Kokanee View Post
Second post to the OP because I didn't see your last one: You are very paranoid about the govn't spying on you. Unless you have something to hide don't worry about it - they have a hard enough time catching real terrorists/online criminals/kiddy porn barons that I highly doubt they are zeroing in on your location right now, calling in the swat team over two USP mags.
Nothing to hide hear. I'm glad the Feds are watching. I feel safer.

I've always wished I could have been a Fed, Police, Swat, Special ops, PMC dude, etc. But I'm physically "Wee", and feeling old and unfit. I couln't take down anything bigger than a squirel. And those things are fast!

The only way I can fufill those desires, is airsoft roll-playing (currently saving to get kits like mad, to come out and play).

Last edited by Papabois; December 17th, 2009 at 19:38..
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Old December 17th, 2009, 19:35   #13
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[QUOTE=L473ncy;1125951] Most likely you had your shit cloned if you use debit in shady places or there's a RAT (Remote Access Trojan)/FUD Keylogger.

Also try and pinpoint the exact IP of the attempted logins. If it was from your computer then it's probably a RAT but if it's from a different IP then it's either someone cloned your bank details/card or you have a Keylogger. QUOTE]

I'll get that info from the bank tomorrow.

Thanx all

Last edited by Papabois; December 17th, 2009 at 19:39.. Reason: Forgot manners
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Old December 17th, 2009, 19:54   #14
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The feds don't do anything like that to innocent people. I speak from experience. There is no Canadian conspiracy. The feds are good people.

If you're a known (ie. drug dealer, smuggler, etc) or "suspected with just cause" criminal, then a warrant can get the feds just about anywhere, and rightly so. Some Americans claim they are having their brain waves monitored. Hmmm.
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Old December 17th, 2009, 19:57   #15
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Originally Posted by gunscythe View Post
Some Americans claim they are having their brain waves monitored. Hmmm.
Pffft. Tin-foil helmet.

Electroencephalography. They could probably make a receiver tuned to the frequencies. Ultimate way to control a mech. and / or mech army.

Last edited by Papabois; December 17th, 2009 at 20:00.. Reason: Found some info.
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