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ACM: Factories shut down?


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Old October 1st, 2009, 11:54   #1
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ACM: Factories shut down?

Info taken on ACM-airsoft via

Some info is circulating concerning some troubles that chinese airsoft manufacturers have had with the governement. It seems that those targeted are especially those having produced german WWII guns, dubbed "nazi weapons" (as it's not because they've been used by nazis that they should be called such...).

These seem to be especially DBoys (Kar98K) and AGM (STG44, MP40)

For those who understand french:
Je viens de l’apprendre en ce moment même de la bouche du correspondant Italien de Paul de Ebaybanned … le gouvernement Chinois a très fortement sévi envers les fabriquant de Cheap Guns.

Je suis encore avec lui sur MSN Ã* la minute ou je vous parle … donc les news :

Le PDG de AGM serait derrière les barreaux pour avoir produit des répliques d’a r m e s de guerre Nazies (STG44 et MP40).

Pour des raison encore obscures , l’usine Dboy Ã* été définitivement fermée. (mais comme Dboy a produit le KAR 98 Allemand on est en droit de se poser la même question que pour AGM).


Je vous écris en direct … toutes les usines ACM sont fermées pour tout le mois d’Octobre … sur ordre du gouvernement chinois.

Voila pour le moment c’est tout , je revois Ebaybanned It demain soir…
Google Translate:
I just learn it right now from the mouth of the Italian correspondent Paul Ebaybanned ... the Chinese government has strongly raged against manufacturer Cheap Guns.

I'm still with him on MSN at the minute I'm talking about ... so the news:

CEO AGM would be behind bars for producing replicas of weapons of Nazi war (StG44 and MP40).

For reasons still obscure, the plant Dboy has been permanently closed. (but as Dboy produced the German KAR 98 it is reasonable to ask the same question to AGM).


I am writing to you live ... all ACM factories are closed for the entire month of October ... on the orders of the Chinese government.

That's all for now, I'll talk again with Ebaybanned IT tomorrow evening ...
These are still rumors, as a forum poster said this based on what a store manager has heard... I guess that more information is to come from other sources. I'd keep an eye on Arnies,, Power-DY,...

Original forum post: (FR)
News article: (FR)
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Old October 1st, 2009, 12:01   #2
The Saint
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This is simply part of the same situation as
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Old October 1st, 2009, 12:10   #3
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IF they were closed, they'll be open again soon enough.
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Old October 1st, 2009, 12:13   #4
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Isn't it a week long holiday in China right now anyway?
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Old October 1st, 2009, 12:24   #5
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it's the 60th anniverasary for the PRC government this month.

so to "keep" their "awesome" image in every possible way, they are cracking down on any business that maybe shady(Such as cloning AEGs).

After all the jazz of this month, they should re-open with no problems.
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Old October 1st, 2009, 13:26   #6
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Originally Posted by Skladfin View Post
it's the 60th anniverasary for the PRC government this month.

so to "keep" their "awesome" image in every possible way, they are cracking down on any business that maybe shady(Such as cloning AEGs).

After all the jazz of this month, they should re-open with no problems.
Makes a lot of sense.

I'd add that targeting "nazi" guns more than others makes sense, since
Nazis Communists
<=> Communists Nazis
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Old October 1st, 2009, 14:52   #7
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The security and crackdowns around the 60th anniversary actually surpass the Olympics. As all the airsoft factories shut down for the Olympics, it makes sense they'll shut down for the next couple weeks.

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Old October 1st, 2009, 17:43   #8
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For the glorious and awesome nation it is in the best interest of the state that all non-essential production be seize during the aniversory of the awesome Communist state... That was pretty much what they said (One of my parent's friend has factory in China and was told something like this during Olympics.
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Old October 1st, 2009, 17:49   #9
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[UPDATE] ACM factories shut down

Again, from
Donc petite mise au point concernant cette affaire. Il apparait que l’info selon laquelle le PDG d’AGM et certains de ses ingénieurs ont été arrêtés est exacte. En effet la production de répliques est interdite en Chine, la plupart des usines produisent donc en cachette. A noter qu’AGM n’est pas le premier fabricant Ã* en faire les frais.
Concernant les fermetures d’usines, elles n’ont rien Ã* voir avec cette affaire : elles ont lieu durant la fête des 60 ans du Parti Communistes. Conséquences Ã* court termes, des ruptures de stock (anticipées par les revendeurs asiatiques) et pas de sorties de nouvelles répliques le mois prochain. Tout devrait rentrer dans l’ordre le mois prochain.
In summary, they've got confirmation that the PDG as well as some engineers from AGM has been arrested because in theory, the production of replica guns is prohibited in China. So obviously, AGM hasn't paid the governement enough...

As Skladfin pointed out, they confirm that other factories are closed for the month due to the 60th anniversary of the chinese communist party. Most shops had already planned this and had stocked for this before. But being in Canada, it shouldn't affect us a lot...

For AGM, we'll know what happens (if they pay) in the following weeks. Most other factories will reopen in about a month.
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