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To be a better medic...


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Old December 30th, 2016, 15:28   #1
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Greenfield Park
To be a better medic...

I'm looking into buying an AEG and need your advices or your toughts about my situation.

I'm not an active player, more of a 2-3 games a year and I like to play as a medic. Following a squad in the deep bush, swamp, cross fires the great outdoor mainly.
Also as a lonewolf, it is always easy to find a team who wants a medic with them.
I already have my loadout for everything else in tan and green.
Last year a was in the Battlefield 2016 in Quebec with over 350 tacticool guys and liked it a lot. I was running only with my TM glock G18 nicely upgraded and a big medic pack. On my point of view it was a blast to follow my squad and keeping them (+ the others around) alive across the game.
It was a big satisfaction for me to contribute to the team. What missed me the most was to be able to provide suppressive fire to help them to go further in the mission and take positions and to give more support in general.
For this game play style I would like to buy a short SMG that can provide what I'm looking for:
-High maneuverability.
-Short to mid-range distance.
-To be able to manipulate with one hand to have the other free for saving buddies down or to swing it on the side to use both hands.
-Short and not too heavy.
-High quality.

I have seen so many guys in the wood getting stock in the trees with their full lenght riffles or by the sling or having trouble to shoot by windows because of the lenght of their canons etc...I want to avoid that with a shorty one.

So, I stopped on 2 models that I like the look and the specs. I like the m4 and MP5.
1- VFC M4 VR16 stinger SB

I like the fact that the stock is collapsible on both options but I don't know about the solidity of these. Any thought?
It doesn't bother my to have a peq box.
MP5 has the mosfet built in but has I am skilled electronic tech, switches, motors, mosfet, lipo and wiring is as basic for me as cooking an egg by a master chief. So no worries here even to built one myself to fit in the tightest place.
I love to open things so, no problem here for upgrades or modifications but knowledge in specific AEG brand and model don't appear by magic.
I like the M4 because the mags can be shared in most case.

Here's the questions:

Should I consider other models in the short version? No P90 as I don't like it.
VFC is a safe value for quality and availability and I read a lot of posts and reviews about it and its mostly why I'm looking in to VR16 specific.
Should I consider G&G toptech on par with VFC VR16 line? I looked a lot too into G&G toptech lines.
Would changing the canon to a TB would greatly improve the grouping or range in those two choices or is negligible?
Should I just keep my money and continue to be a faster, lightweight and effective medic without a weapon to slow me down?
Or should I buy anyway whatever I want because I can't be wrong with those choices?

Thanks for any advices, comments or ideas.
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Old December 30th, 2016, 15:42   #2
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VFC is pretty much the go-to choice for an M4 platform. You definitely cannot go wrong with one of those.

I can't comment on the VFC MP5... I don't know a whole lot about it.

Changing to a TB isn't a bad idea, but that upgrade really shines when you also have your barrel group (ex: hopup) upgraded as well.

Have you considered short AK's? Look into an LCT or an E&L AKS74U if it tickles your fancy. They are about the same size as a collapsible stock MP5 and are steel-bodied.
Guardians of Asgaard - KF25 -

Primaries: LCT AK74MN w/SKTBR, VFC M4 SOPMOD Block 2
Secondary: Latino heat, TM Glock 17
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Old December 30th, 2016, 16:05   #3
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An MP5 would indeed be a good platform for you.

As a medic, sometimes you'll need to be effective in a firefight. Without a good accurate weapon, you decrease your squad's combat effectiveness.

VFCs tend to be pretty good, but if I were you, I would hold out for a bit to take a look at LCT's upcoming MP5. The VFC Stinger is not ambidextrous by the way, but if mag compatibility is important to you, it's a good choice. Don't get a G&G; VFC and LCT blow it out of the water.

Have a good respectable tech upgrade whichever one you get. As Desmodus said, barrel grouping needs to be upgraded. Get a Prometheus 6.03 and have it R-hopped and you'll get good range out of it. Get a mosfet and run lipos for better trigger response (if you can, upgrade your gears and motor at this time too).

Other models... maybe wait for Krytac's Vector? There's the ASG EVO Scorpion, but I have to say both VFC and LCT MP5 and Krytac Vector should be nicer. VFC makes a UMP, but I can't comment on how good it is. Maybe a PDR-C? Also as Desmodus said, short LCT AKs might work too.

My personal opinion - LCT MP5 or the Krytac Vector. Shorty M4s and AKs feel weird to me, but that's personal taste. Not sure how good the VFC MP5 or UMP are, and I'm not a fan of the PDR-C.

Last edited by Datawraith; December 30th, 2016 at 16:09..
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Old December 30th, 2016, 17:55   #4
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MP5 is a good start, but here's what I'd look for; compact platform, polymer body and folding rear stock. Maybe a G36c or an XCR. Maybe even a small bull-pup, they're easy to wield. Overall though I'd go for versatility when you also aren't a medic or are alone. With the right build you can still get great range. So for you I'd specifically recommend an M4 CBC/CQB, with shorty P-mags, Magpul MOE front and Mission First minimalist rear stock to cut down on the total weight. There's plenty of variations with an M4 to make it super compact, but you also get the advantages of an M4.

I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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Old December 30th, 2016, 18:18   #5
a.k.a. Greedy
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Those are two fine options for what you're looking for, can't go wrong with either IMO. It really falls down to which platform you prefer, ergonomically, aesthetically etc. If you can, try to see them both in person and see which fits you best, that may make your decision much easier. Better to get one than have none. A VFC is a good investment that will hold value should you ever chose to sell it.

Stinger M4
- Greater: availability and variety of parts and platform specific gear / potential for customization.
- A medic who can also supply a buddy mag can be key at events with ammo restrictions
- Not Ambi (out of the box)
- About a pound lighter than the Mp5
- Limited rail space with required PEQ

- Ambi.
- No PEQ
- "everyone" has an M4

G&G's Combat Machine line is a great low cost option for entry level players or someone looking for a reliable backup/loaner. The Top Tech line is good, but not quite on par with VFC when it comes to high end AEG's.

A good quality (stainless steel) TB barrel will certainly have a positive effect of your accuracy. However, a good barrel is expensive and the cost:return ratio is somewhat low. The single biggest effect to accuracy is your hop-up system. Upgrading to an R-Hop or a Flat-Hop, and addressing the airseal, is the single best thing you can do to improve accuracy.

Other options
- Scorpion EVO
- MP7

Last edited by Kozzie; December 30th, 2016 at 23:21.. Reason: *sp
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Old December 30th, 2016, 20:09   #6
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Mp5 a5's vfc aeg versions run $600+ (I've been looking into them myself) and are discontinued iirc. You might consider a vfc gbb mp5 at that point.

G36c are even lighter than mp5's but their mags are bleh. Expensive and annoying to carry around.

I'd stick to what your squad has actually. You're part of a "team" so you guys should be "uniform". Easier to share mags anyways.
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Old December 30th, 2016, 22:01   #7
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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UMP mags are too bulky and long
scorpion evo is a great choice
MP5 is a great idea
gas MP7 if you want to go gas
M4 CQBR if you also want to ability to swap mags with people (M4's are quite common)
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Old December 31st, 2016, 09:44   #8
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Greenfield Park
Thank you guys for inputs.

I add the scorpion in my list for sure.
You made me discover this one.
Looks very impressive out of the box.
400gr less than MP5 and 125gr more than the stinger.
Shorter than MP5 and Stinger while folded.
Reviews are all good but if you find bad one please linked those to me or if one of you guys have one and want to share their own pros and cons please do.
I like the mag release, ambi selector switch, short trigger pull, small mags, ecu/mosfet integrated. I think in specs, it is my new number 1 out of 3. Do you guys think it needs ugrades out of the box or better to keep stock for the moment because it has good overall performance in all departments? For me, it look good as is.

I've looked in to the G36C too and liked the ambi feature and the overall look but don't know about the lower price tag of G&G toptech line or ARES maybe means that need couple upgrades that bring the final prices even or higher that the scorpion to get to the same point.

I've looked the PDR-C a long time ago when it was finally distributed after a long wait and with all reviews and comments of owners its like an love/hate relation and keep me perplex if I would like or not but I would like to hold it in my hands to decide. I like the fact that it is M4 mag and ambidextrous. The lightest or all at 1600gr.

I keep looking for all suggestion you gave me with great interest.

For now:
1- ASG CZ scorpion EVO 3
2- VFC M4 stinger
4- VFC robinson arms XCR CQB
5- G&G G36C toptech

I will absolutely have to hold them in person to make a final decision.
I you have other inputs go on its very appreciated.
I will not buy before end of january so I have plenty of time to look at all suggestions.

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Old December 31st, 2016, 12:21   #9
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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PDRC is a good option as well
G36C is short, but the mags are fucking enormous, it's a deal killer for most people. You can get the M4 magwell, but then it just looks retarded.
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Old December 31st, 2016, 12:25   #10
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If you want the highest performance potential in the smallest and most maneuverable package, get a VFC SR16 or SR635. Both have ambidextrous controls and the highest performance potential.
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Old January 1st, 2017, 21:22   #11
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Don't even need a gun as a medic!

Just run and heal!

PDR-C is a fun gun, but the double stage trigger is annoying, you'll "FULL AUTO" by accident, if you semi to fast - yes you can disable it, but meh.

As bananananan said, just get a SR635, or their non trade marked version for cheaper.

FYI these are heavy lol.

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