need a replacement recoil spring
Okay, so a very cheap 5-7 landed in my lap recently.
Like all tm 5-7s, it blew up the hop up and outer barrel. Not a big deal, I have spares.
What's missing is the recoil spring.
There's no aftermarket replacement or upgrade I can find. And before I invoke some favors among some friends, I don't want to pay double shipping from japan to order one (yet).
I'm looking for a similar sized spring in which there IS a replacement for.
So I'd like folks to measure the free length of their recoil spring AND the outer diameter of it.
The 5-7 recoil spring sleeves the outer barrel so as long as it's long enough and wide enough, that's a good enough starting point.
There's a seemingly endless supply of hicappa and glock parts out there, so if anyone has a few seconds to measure some springs and let me know what's what, I'd appreciate it.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.