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Portable indoor range idea!



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Old July 21st, 2020, 05:03   #1
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Victoria BC
Portable indoor range idea!

Good day everyone, Has anyone dreamed of having an indoor range for shooting your airsoft guns well I have an idea that someone most likely has thought of and done before but I dont know that. well first off lets start on how I got this idea. Growing up i've had issues with police and shooting my airsoft guns in the back yard and well right now is no different although I haven't gotten in trouble for awhile while shooting my airsoft guns in the backyard but needless to say I live in a complex that has no yard no fences etc only a park and a trail by the river that runs through town which of course isnt exactly ideal for something that looks real enough to have five-0 knocking at your door. The complex I live in is tiny has 2 bedrooms but is terribly small but the room thats not in use as no one else lives with me but my girlfriend and I we have a room that isn't being used and at the right angle and so on there would be enough length and distance from where i'm standing so that ricochet's don't come back and hit me but to be on the safe side either some sort of mesh or shatter proof glass will be in place for added protection. So inside as said there will be something to prevent ricochet's but also a table of course 3 doorways and one window and mount for paper targets down range when it's not in use there'll be a closet for bb's gas spare targets etc. first doorway will be to enter said shooting range which is of course the regular doorway to enter the room and the second doorway will lead to a tech station and the 3rd to gain access to the closet that's in the room. Y'all may ask how is this portable well as long as its not screwed into any walls or ceiling's it can be taken down easily enough to still transport in case of a move to a new home. To sound proof a lil adding several layers of egg cartons compacted together just enough to fit between the quarter inch plywood boards should help with this. I thought of this because it's hella sketchy walking down to the trail by the river as my home is also in a suburban neighborhood this idea seems so much easier and less of a risk of getting in trouble when i need to chrono after maintenance or upgrades as the fact the boards protect the walls of your home for one and guarantee theres not gonna be any issues with the police since your not walking to a trail just to do your tests and such. What are anyones thought on this? stupid, silly, smart what?
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Old July 22nd, 2020, 21:54   #2
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Holy formatting batman! For your idea, i dont really think this is portable, as portable implies you can pick it up and transport without much hassle. This may be more along the lines of semi-permanent.

However, the amount of effort to set up and take down would probably be sufficient enough that it becomes semi-permanent. That is, its such a pain to take a part, you will either leave it in place, or not use it.
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
YOU. ARE. MIKE. LITORUS. And if anyone mocks you, tell them they can suck it!
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Old July 23rd, 2020, 00:47   #3
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Victoria BC
Originally Posted by jordan7831 View Post
Holy formatting batman! For your idea, i dont really think this is portable, as portable implies you can pick it up and transport without much hassle. This may be more along the lines of semi-permanent.

However, the amount of effort to set up and take down would probably be sufficient enough that it becomes semi-permanent. That is, its such a pain to take a part, you will either leave it in place, or not use it.

I will build a 3d diagram to show what i meant and I would use it a fair bit only reason I know that is because along side playing airsoft I do like to just shoot at targets keep my marksmanship intact and keep in aegs rollin when they need to be and it would also provide a safe place to chrono after doing work to them without having to walk across the parking lot just to get to the trail that leads to the river just so that I can chrono.
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