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Suggestions for additional 25-30fps?


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Old June 30th, 2011, 12:34   #1
formerly FrankieCees, Remylebeau
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Suggestions for additional 25-30fps?

ICS CXP. Last chrono done I was clocked at 350fps on the dot. Since I only really game outdoors I would like to squeeze out some more fps.

The only upgrades I have done are a madbull 6.03 tightbore along with an ARS hop up rubber and a modify s110 spring with a JG blue motor running the show. Side note - Im using nimh 1600 foregrip batteries.

I dont really want to overdue it and cross the 400fps limits.

Ive read on the forums that if im going to upgrade my spring i should replace my stock ICS piston with a polycarb one. I dont want to have to worry about losing compression doing so either.

also, will a spring guide really get me an addtional 15fps?

Ideally i'd like to be at about 380fps.
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Old June 30th, 2011, 12:39   #2
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New spring guide as well as a better piston head, cylinder head and air nozzel should put you up by about 25fps.
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Old June 30th, 2011, 12:45   #3
formerly FrankieCees, Remylebeau
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Just reading - the description sounds pretty enticing in reference to the RPS and maximum power.

I've looked at this piston head as well. Ive read so many mixed reviews on the modify made ones, a lot of people claim you loose compression due to the orings they have being undersized.

I've looked at the MASK sets as well (cylinder and piston head), but those would require me to change out my piston which is just extra cash I dont wanna spend.
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Old June 30th, 2011, 12:46   #4
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is your cylinder ported? and if yes.. how big are the ports, where are the ports on the cylinder? ...

bearing spring guide and a cylinder with a small port or two closer to the piston end of the cylinder might not get 30fps .. but should bring you up 15 or 20 ...

this ofcourse is Assuming, that all your airseals are perfect (piston head oring, cylinder head seal, nozzle to cyl head, nozzle to hop rubber, hop rubber to barrel ) ..

depending on alll the factors above, and in some part barrel length ... that 110 should be capable of 380 without much issue...
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Old June 30th, 2011, 12:54   #5
formerly FrankieCees, Remylebeau
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Originally Posted by Reckless View Post
is your cylinder ported? and if yes.. how big are the ports, where are the ports on the cylinder? ...

bearing spring guide and a cylinder with a small port or two closer to the piston end of the cylinder might not get 30fps .. but should bring you up 15 or 20 ...

this ofcourse is Assuming, that all your airseals are perfect (piston head oring, cylinder head seal, nozzle to cyl head, nozzle to hop rubber, hop rubber to barrel ) ..

depending on alll the factors above, and in some part barrel length ... that 110 should be capable of 380 without much issue...
No ports at all on the cylinder, its just the stock ICS m4 one (I have the CXP)
The gun was only gamed once or twice, I bought it from the forums practically brand new.

I actually did put a longer barrel in at 229mm.

I've received different results on .20g bbs on two different chronos, the first clocked me at 370fps, a month later without ever going back into the internals I was clocked at 350fps last week.
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Old June 30th, 2011, 22:23   #6
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Yeah my G&G Combat Machine M4 shoots 380 with a madbull m110 so its definitely attainable. The only upgrade was a prommy bucking
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Old July 1st, 2011, 20:08   #7
formerly FrankieCees, Remylebeau
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Im just curious about the 20fps lost between chornos when no work was done on it between those two time periods.
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Old July 1st, 2011, 20:27   #8
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You would want to change the piston anyways.

They strip really too easy in ICS' rifles.

Modify's Speed piston (the white one), MASK V2 head set and a bearing spring guide will give you an extra 20-35fps and greatly stabilize FPS.
Originally Posted by Drake View Post
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Old July 1st, 2011, 20:31   #9
formerly FrankieCees, Remylebeau
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Originally Posted by Kos-Mos View Post
You would want to change the piston anyways.

They strip really too easy in ICS' rifles.

Modify's Speed piston (the white one), MASK V2 head set and a bearing spring guide will give you an extra 20-35fps and greatly stabilize FPS.
Speed piston eh..Alright i'll place an order and give it a shot.
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Old July 3rd, 2011, 08:45   #10
formerly FrankieCees, Remylebeau
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Originally Posted by Kos-Mos View Post
You would want to change the piston anyways.

They strip really too easy in ICS' rifles.

Modify's Speed piston (the white one), MASK V2 head set and a bearing spring guide will give you an extra 20-35fps and greatly stabilize FPS.
Just out of curiosity ive read that the mask sets can actually result in an fps loss but provide longevity of the mechbox.

and do I really need the mask cylinder head being under 400fps?
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Old July 3rd, 2011, 10:33   #11
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Originally Posted by Remylebeau View Post
Im just curious about the 20fps lost between chornos when no work was done on it between those two time periods.
Could it be the spring settling? I've heard of springs losing 20-25 FPS just through use because it "settles" after being used.

I would say an upgrade to a TBB and the compression unit to get a perfect airseal is what will do the trick depending on what you're already at to start with. ie. Putting in new compression parts to get 99% efficiency when you already get 95% efficiency in the stock compression parts isn't much of an upgrade, however going from a super leaky set that gets 70% efficiency to 99% efficiency is a huge upgrade and you'll see a really nice FPS gain and not really put additional wear on the parts from needing to use a higher power spring.
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Old July 3rd, 2011, 11:52   #12
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A spring guide with bearings should get you close 400 FPS. I've had a Modify spring guide give me close to an additional 80 FPS, though I get the feeling this kind of result is not typical. As for the mask cylinder head, whether or you it's worth the money is up to you. The front of the ICS split gearbox is thicker than your typical V2 mechbox. Durabilty is not as big of an issue as other mechboxes.You ideally should replace all you compression related parts at once with parts from the same manufacturer to ensure optimal performance. If you get close to perfect compression already, I don't think it's worth it.

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Old July 3rd, 2011, 15:23   #13
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ICS usually don't have parts that seal well, from what I've seen they use TM's 10 year old stuff.
Get a new air nozzle that has an O-ring in it, and an ARS cylinder head.
Unfortunately with the ARS head, you'll have to shave off the 2nd tooth on your piston, but those cylinder heads seals REALLY well against the air nozzle.
And it's a critical seal, I've seen a 30fps loss from a bad air nozzle-cylinder head seal many times.
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Old July 3rd, 2011, 16:49   #14
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Nothing wrong with running 350fps for outdoors play, just use 0.28g BBs and you won't really notice a 30 to 50fps difference.

BTW, what brands of 0.20g BBs were the two different chrony results tested with? And which of the chronies were the more reliable brand/type? Some are crap, others are good and well respected, so I wouldn't put too much confidence in the difference you got. Ammo too, a smaller 0.20g will give you less velocity than one that is closer to 6mm.
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Old July 3rd, 2011, 19:30   #15
formerly FrankieCees, Remylebeau
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Really appreciate the replies!

I guess a lot of factors could play in the chorony results. Standard testing was done to make sure I was at the 400fps limit before being allowed to participate - that meant they're .20g bbs in a mag provided and tested - I have no idea what they used.

I think its probably a safe bet to get a bearing spring guide anyways to get maximum results from my s110. I like the idea of it actually acting like a small spacer.

Im thinking about either the mask piston head or the cyclinder...not sure if I really want to drop some coin on a set because it would also be required to get a new piston which is even more $ - thinking about it the piston head would be the cheaper route.
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