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Mission to share : Resident Evil - Nemesis


Movies/Video Games/Sci-fi

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Old November 17th, 2009, 08:31   #1
Silverthorn's Avatar
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Location: Sainte-Julie, Quebec
Mission to share : Resident Evil - Nemesis

Scenario : Resident Evil - Nemesis

Post was moved here from General to Movie/Sci-fi by a mod. I hope people come and read this "dead zone" sometimes! Please forward to people you think might like this mission.

I have been hosting this mission quite a few times and based on it's great success, I thought I'd share it with everyone. I have shared ti before on and have received great reviews from those who tried it.

Note : this mission is vaguely inspired by another mission I found on the Internet but I don't have the link anymore. My excuses to the author!

Scenario : The Nemesis, an invincible creature created by the Umbrella Corporation is rampaging thru the town. Everyone wants to catch it for their own uses. Umbrella wants it's creation back and the S.T.A.R.S. want to destroy it to protect the population. The Nemesis has one goal : destroy anyone and everyone it can lay it's hands (or BBs) on.

There is only one way to stop the Nemesis : shoot him with a tranquilizing gun. He then has to be extracted to specific location.

Requirements :

2 teams (Umbrella vs STARS)
1 Nemesis (armed with an AEG or anything else)
1 special weapon (tranquilizing gun) hidden on the field (you can use a specific AEG, a colored piece of cloth that the shooter has to carry to show he has the special weapon, a cheapo shotgun from walmart, a straw + BBs, a foam sword, etc... Use your imagination!)

Details : The Nemesis hides the special weapon before the game (and during the game doesn't "know" where it is so he doesn't camp the position). Teams start the game at multiple positions (divide teams all ove r the field to avoid advantaging a specific team if the special weapon is hidden close to it's position). The Nemesis starts in the middle. Teams must find the weapon while trying to stop the other team from doing it. The Nemesis goes where the action is and messes things up by walking in on firefights.

Players have unlimited respawns (limits such as respawning in groups of 2 or after 1 minute can be added).

The Nemesis : he cannot run and is pretty silent (again, up to you). It is important to dress him up in a way that makes him very recognizable (I wear a black long coat and swat helmet when I play it). Nothing can harm the Nemesis except the special weapon (but BBs still hurt so if you shoot him enough he might slow down or turn away but that's mean!).

Special weapon :
it paralyzes the Nemesis for 30 seconds. A player carrying it must drop it when he is HIT. Once the Nemesis is hit with it, a player must then grab the Nemesis by the shoulders (with two hands so no carrying guns while carrying the Nemesis) and move him to the extraction zone (note : the Nemesis makes a nice shield against enemy fire!). In the 5 last seconds of the 30 seconds delay, the Nemesis loudly count the last few seconds (25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30). This represents the fact that he start to squirm and move a bit, warning players that the tranquilizer is wearing off. If he is not hit/shot again specifically during that period (before that it has no effect) with the special weapon, he wakes up, automatically killing whoever is carrying him with a blow to the head. If the carrier is HIT while carrying the Nemesis, the Nemesis stays where he is until he wakes up.

This scenario garantees movement and action. Having to both find a hidden weapon AND avoid a killing machine really makes for an exciting game.

Feel free to adapt the scenario to your needs, total number of players or field. Imagine having 2 Nemesis for example!

I have successfully run this scenario at the Mill in Beauharnois (ideal location) but also at an indoor paintball field with great success. Extracting the Nemesis might be tough in a small paintball field so requiring only the Nemesis to be shot and then touched by the holder of the special weapon might be sufficient for victory conditions. Adapt!
Team N.A.P.K.I.N.S (Ninjas And Pirates Kommando Infiltration Night-ops Specialists)

Last edited by Silverthorn; November 17th, 2009 at 09:01..
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Old November 18th, 2009, 17:05   #2
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We had a Resident Evil match here in Italy too... a 24 hours game

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