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TM MP5K Gear up - for Border Wars


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Old August 9th, 2008, 18:20   #1
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TM MP5K Gear up - for Border Wars

Hey everyone Border Wars is coming up and I have purchased Bob's TM MP5K PDW, this will be my first time

Heres the Specs

Anyway since it has all thise upgrades on it, it will shoot approx 300 - 320 FPS, I was wonder if I should just leave it that way or get a M120 spring (and any other upgrades to let it shoot 400 fps) match the other guns which I assume will be around 400 fps as well.

And since it has a silencer I was thinking of getting a M4 Systema Barrel, although most people say that the MP5 barrel is good enough and the M4 systema barrel will tighten groupings by only a small amount, is that true?
- Pistolero Steve -

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Old August 9th, 2008, 18:58   #2
Captain Sunshine
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just leave the gun alone and play with it a few games. if you feel it lacking, THEN upgrade it.
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Old August 9th, 2008, 19:10   #3
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good idea, thanks daiviet

Although I hope 300 - 320 fps is good enough that it will be able to cut through the grass and leaves at Border wars
- Pistolero Steve -

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Old August 9th, 2008, 19:12   #4
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Upgrades or not brush is always a factor.

How you play is just as important.

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Old August 9th, 2008, 19:15   #5
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While I agree entirely with daiviet, 300fps with 0.2's is going to give you mediocre penetration in bush.

Since it's your first time upgrading an AEG, why not attend M102404's AEG workshop in Toronto this month? You could use the PDW as your platform and have it shooting how you want for when Border Wars comes.

EDIT: And just in case, you might want to pick up another 9.6v battery for Border Wars. It would suck if the only battery you had ran out near the end of the day.

Last edited by ShelledPants; August 9th, 2008 at 19:18..
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Old August 18th, 2008, 14:48   #6
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Specs of Gun:
Barrel = MP5-J length inner barrel (longer than MP5K barrel so it sticks but hidden with the silencer)
FPS = 320 - 330 FPS
Hop-up = System Rubber (Set correctly without curve down or up)

Okay so came back from FTF and definitely need the .25 and up

Although with .20s I thought my range would go further seeing how they are lighter. But I had clear shots of people without brush, or wood and the gun rested on a wood stump for extra accuracy support I still could not reach a guy say more than about 50 feet.

I see my bullets sail out straight and disappear.

So I am guessing should I up the FPS to about 400 since I am assuming my bullets are just bouncing off the person without feeling or they are just sailing dead since most MP5s are set to CQB.

Any other parts needed to accommodate the higher fps
- Pistolero Steve -

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Old August 18th, 2008, 14:59   #7
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You definitely need .25's or up outdoors to be effective.

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Old August 18th, 2008, 15:07   #8
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I don't think velocity is that much of an issue. Your 2 issues are barrel length and BB weight.

You need heavier BBs. .25s should be a minimum for outdoors. I've tried some, and settles on .28s for my AEGs. Those things punch through bush like crazy, even with lower velocities. My Type 56 is my lowest velocity AEG. It also has the best range of any of my AEGs, and the heavier the BB, the straighter the path of travel and the more distance. Velocity is a bit of an issue, because the more energy your round has, the better it will penetrate brush, I think it's more important to have a heavier projectile that will be less affected by wind and brush.

But IMO, if you're getting a gun for outdoors use in the woods, you really should get something more than an MP5. As good as they are, I wouldn't use such a short gun for outdoor use, especially in bush. That short barrel will give you an effective range of 75-100' at most, compared to the 100-150' effective range of other people with rifles and carbines. No matter what you do, you can't compete with the longer guns.
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Old August 18th, 2008, 15:14   #9
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With the extended barrel you're up for considering most of the "regular" tuneup type upgrades.

You've got good just need to make sure they're working right.

You'll drop somewhere between 30-60fps going from 0.2 to 0.25g bbs. But the accuracy will go way up.

I personally really like the systema 6.04mm tightbores and have run with them for a while...just recently I've put in a M16 length Madbull Black Python ver2 tightbore into my FAL Carbine and WOW, what a difference over the stock barrel...

Forget the tightbores for gaining FPS...use them for increasing accuracy.

An M120 will be tough on your 9.6v mini stick. A M110 would be kinder and a M100 even more so.

Did you chrony it at 320-330fps or is that just a guess? If it's shooting that with a M90, toss a M100 in it a swap in a tightbore. I suspect that you'll be in the mid-high 300's.

While you're in the mechbox take a look at the condition of the gears/shimming/piston for durability.

I strongly suspect that it'll be extremely vilifying to be caught with a hot gun at any of the games this year (Boarder Wars 2 especially). 400fps is a limit...not an objective. I used to try and get/keep all my stuff at 395-398fps...but have settled into a comfortable (and much easier to maintain) 370-380fps. No worries or headaches about chronying over!

Have fun and best of luck!
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Old August 18th, 2008, 15:15   #10
Captain Sunshine
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I've played at the field where Boarder Wars is held, I suggest .28's, perfect for cutting through the brush.

I also suggest using a different weapon than an mp5k for a game like that, get a longer, more powerful rifle.
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Old August 18th, 2008, 15:21   #11
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Originally Posted by daiviet View Post
I've played at the field where Boarder Wars is held, I suggest .28's, perfect for cutting through the brush.

I also suggest using a different weapon than an mp5k for a game like that, get a longer, more powerful rifle.
Nice recommendation.
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Old August 18th, 2008, 15:33   #12
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Originally Posted by daiviet View Post
I've played at the field where Boarder Wars is held, I suggest .28's, perfect for cutting through the brush.

I also suggest using a different weapon than an mp5k for a game like that, get a longer, more powerful rifle.
Yup. Just as I recommended above. At Op Drug Bust in Petawawa last month, the woods were described by FiveFingers as "bush as thick as 70s porn". My M15A4 rifle with a tightbore and shooting .28s was deadly accurate through thick brush. All 4 of my kills that day were at 50+' ranges through thick brush. If I could see my target, I could hit it. That simple.

That being said, my rifle also shoots 385 with .2s, so the velocity helped. But it wasn't the be-all end-all.
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Old August 18th, 2008, 15:42   #13
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Cools thanks everyone, yay

Just remember my MP5K is not the short CQB version this one is the TM 330mm, MP5k is smaller than the normal MP5s so the barrel is already sticking out, but hidden under the silencer but what I can see is I can even add a M4 barrel but that may be pushing it. I am guessing if I do 3/4 ported cylinder to a 1/2 ported?

CDN_stalker did the addons for the previous owner and says it shoots 330 fps with M90 and M100 about 370

But as for Spring Wise M100 looks good M110 would be good too but maybe too high

Oh and yes .25s and up I know that for sure, learned my lesson when I got M4'd up

Aside from that the silencer is great in the woods takes about 3 volleys of fire until they know where I am
- Pistolero Steve -

Last edited by cbcsteve; August 18th, 2008 at 15:50..
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Old August 18th, 2008, 15:51   #14
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I personally run an mp5k in the field on occasion. The standard length mp5 barrel is a huge plus, double bonus if it's a tightbore. I also changed out some mechbox parts for durability and then installed a slightly more powerful spring so as to keep the rate of fire up. With .25's and a longer barrel, you are set to compete with even a heavily upgraded long gun. (within average field rules.. i'm not talking about retarded asian velocities ) Mine shoots just shy of 300 fps and still has good penetration in the bush (heh heh heh...). So if you have a higher velocity, you should be ok

It's skill that makes the player good, not the gun
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Old August 18th, 2008, 16:40   #15
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Thanks a loads Maverick

Yup skill always makes the player but when you have a crossbow and they have an MG and grenades then well you are fucked.
- Pistolero Steve -

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