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Gun front end modification


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Old January 13th, 2008, 03:13   #1
a.k.a. Fury a.k.a. VipaMave
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Markham-ON
Gun front end modification

I was considering (Well, 99% chance I will do this at some point) modifying my G&P M4 to either a M16, or to a custom gun with long hand guards as well as a long outer-barrel. I was looking at this:

I do know how to field strip my gun and put it back together piece by piece (Gearbox incl.) though I have no idea what most of the parts do so this is why I ask. I am not a 'noob' to gun modification as I've modified my Hi-Capa 5.1 quite a bit already--I just lack knowledge of AEGs.

It is to my understanding that I will need:
-Longer Handguards
-Longer Outerbarrel
-Longer Innerbarrel
-(Larger cylinder to accommodate increase of required pressure to shoot)?

Now here are my questions:
1. Are most inner barrels the same, only varying in length? (ie. Could I stick a PSG-1 barrel in the M4)

2. If I go with a 24" outer Barrel, I'm fairly sure a M16 length inner barrel would not suffice, what inner barrel COULD I use to accommodate this massive length?

3. With a barrel length longer than M16, would a M16 cylinder still function or would I need different cylinder?

4. Is there any harm in the inner barrel falling short of the outer barrel? (Say a few inches)

5. Did I forget any other ex/internals required for this modification?

My M4A1 is getting really boring to look at and I love long guns more than anything. (Huge fan of the SVD Dragunov, M14 EBR, L96A1, etc.)


Would these ex/internals be sufficient in modifying my gun?


Last edited by Affliction; January 13th, 2008 at 03:42..
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Old January 13th, 2008, 09:41   #2
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That pretty well covers it, a full cylinder is really your biggest concern.
There's absolutely no need to get a barrel that matches the length of your outer barrel, if a 509mm barrel will fit, that's long enough lol
My HFC beretta, UMP, and the TM G-spec all have short barrels and can get great accuracy at range.
That's all I can think of right now
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Old January 13th, 2008, 13:13   #3
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1. Yes, you could put a PSG-1 inner barrel in an M4. Although it's not safe to say that ALL inner barrels are the same, it's safe to say that all AEG inner barrels will have the same mounts.

2. You could go all the way up to a 650mm inner barrel if you wanted, but you'd have to use a bore up cylinder kit with that, which also requires you to use an M120 or stronger spring. Using a standard bore full cylinder, you can go up to 590mm without any ill effects.

3. Yes, again, you could go up to 590mm with a standard bore cylinder. Standard m16 length is 509mm. And again, if you wanted to go larger than 590mm, you'd have to get a bore up kit.

4. No harm

As for the internals you've selected:
a. the Deep Fire bore up cylinder isn't required if you're already getting a bore up kit since the bore up kit already comes with a bore up cylinder.
b. Both the cylinder you've selected as well as the bore up kit you've selected is for a PSG-1, which will not fit in to your v2 gearbox. Get a proper M16 bore up kit. You don't pick the kit designation based on the inner barrel length you're selecting. You pick them based on the gun platform they're going in to. The positioning of the cylinder port (or lack thereof) and the bore of the cylinder is based on the length of the inner barrel you're working with.

Last edited by ILLusion; January 13th, 2008 at 13:25..
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Old January 13th, 2008, 14:09   #4
a.k.a. Fury a.k.a. VipaMave
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Markham-ON
Thanks for a great response as always ILLusion =)

Just to recap, everything I'll need for this modification is:
-Inner Barrel 550mm (This is the length I've chosen to avoid complications)
-M16A2 Bore-up kit ( )

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