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Old June 25th, 2006, 11:06   #1
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Hey Everyone Im just getting into airsoft and I work for Oakley and I would like to wear there eye wear product but Im having a hard time picking a model.

Im torn between two
Oakley my frame glasses (what SWAT wear)
or the Oakley A frame gogles ( what the U.S Army wears)

what would be better for airsoft

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Old June 25th, 2006, 11:11   #2
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Enter Greylocks...
Douglas Alexander Maxwell (Known pedophile).
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Old June 25th, 2006, 11:14   #3
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Quit calling out Greylocks... Or hes gonna Flame you instead of the thread starter

You can use your oakley glasses off the field, but on most fields, paintball goggles are manatory, if Oakley makes those (expensive) get them.
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Old June 25th, 2006, 11:15   #4
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which ones are ANSI Z87.1 rated?

oh and did you mean the mx frame? ive never headr of the my frame nore is it listed on their site.
Age verifier southern Alberta

Originally Posted by TokyoSeven
a Systema PTW is like KD, where the noodles are plated in gold and the cheese sauce is actually a pool of hot naked women.
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Old June 25th, 2006, 11:20   #5
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Old June 25th, 2006, 11:20   #6
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if you get a big enough discount get both.

as for which would be best for airsoft, well that would be which ever one fit's your face the best. It doesn't matter how good they look if they leave gaps that bb's can get into. And while airsoft is part fashion show you're not gonna be looking at anything if you're blind and I don't believe oakley makes eyepatches.

Looking at the site the googles probably would be best coverage. They may even be paint ball approved having the ansi rating (not sure what exactly paint ball approved is, MadMax may know from the trade conference he was at recently).
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Old June 25th, 2006, 11:22   #7
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ATREYU your doing it all wrong. You have to use the Greylocks symbol...

Anyways read up a little on what fields your be playing on. Most fields in Ontario won't let you use anything but paintball goggles. Since you live in London (Ontario I'm assuming) you'll probley be playing at Flag Raiders which only allows paintball goggles.
Age Rep for Petawawa Area
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Old June 25th, 2006, 11:40   #8
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You're not going to be allowed to wear Oakley ballistic eyewear on pretty much any Pball field. Pball fields require recognized pball eyewear to meet insurance requirements. There are often pballers playing at other segments of a field so sometimes we trade shots between battle areas. Therefore all eye protection must meet stringent pball standards at most pball games.

There is some regulation being written which will probably not allow ballistic eyewear designed for tactical teams. While they meet ANSI impact ratings they do not meet anti tearaway requirements (you need a secure headstrap) and they often allow a 6mm probe to reach the orbital region (eye region). If there are ANY angles which you can touch the orbital area with a pencil (~6mm) without being significantly impeded by eyewear, your eye protection is not safe.

Oakley A frames do not meet pball requirements. The things that pball goggles are required to protect against are actually pretty impressive. We're actually supposed to be wearing them with the facemask installed to prevent a pellet from bursting between the nose and goggle. It has been found that a burst pellet hitting at the side of the nose and the bottom of the goggle can force pball shell fragments up into the goggle large enough to damage the eye. A frames do not allow the installation of a lower mask do they don't meet the insurance requirements. The lower mask also makes fitment issues less of a problem. Everyones face is different. If there is a small gap in that critical nose area (it's the spot where most accidents happen now) the face mask covers up that gap.
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Old June 25th, 2006, 12:51   #9
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My earlier post made me wonder what are paintball aproved googles.

JT's site had nothing that I could find in a cursory view, same with any site refering to JT.

I did find a few sites that mention a standard (ASTM F1776) that are paintball approved.

In the last link it specifically mentions that ANSI Z87.1-1989 are not paintball safe and will fail. Now paintball goggles are designed to reflect (or bounce paintballs, not bbs)

Now when doing some of my research I was talking to Droc who mentioned that he has witnessed an airsoft bb fired from a 400fps gun causing a paintball goggle to fail (more info in another post to come) so while paintball goggles may be mandatory at paintball fields if you have the option to wear something different you might consder doing that.
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Old June 25th, 2006, 12:59   #10
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Look at it this way, if they do not have a complete positive seal around the ocular cavity and meet ANSI Z87.1-2003+ High Velocity Standard or greater, I wouldn't touch em. IMO

As far as PBall fields go, they are required to have all individuals on the field wear paintball approved goggle systems for insurance reasons. (ASTM F1776)

As far as private fields go, it depends on the owner. Here in Ottawa (LZ anyway) only approved ballistic tactical goggles (Bolle T800s, ESS, etc that meet at least ANSI Z87.1-2003+ or greater, have a full ocular cavity seal and a retention strap to hold em on you head) or paintball goggles are allowed for use on the field.

ANSI Z87.1-2003+ High Velocity Standard requires that a goggle lense withstand the impact of a 1/4 inch steel ball fired at 250 ft/sec.

Steel Ball (~1g) 250 fps* 2.89 Joules**
.25 BB 500 fps* 2.89 Joules**
.22 BB 560 fps* 2.89 Joules**

* Muzzel Velocity
** Muzzel Energy
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Old June 25th, 2006, 14:24   #11
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If paintball goggles aren't required and your discount is huge, get the A-frames with the built-in fan. $$$
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Old June 25th, 2006, 15:19   #12
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Originally Posted by odp
If paintball goggles aren't required and your discount is huge, get the A-frames with the built-in fan. $$$
If they don't adhere to pball standards, pball fields will not knowingly allow them. The ASTM standard is often specifically referenced in insurance policies.

If you're playing bush ball on private property, the field owner and players accept their own liabilities.
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