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Need a new gearbox shell


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Old September 15th, 2010, 11:51   #1
Doombringer's Avatar
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Need a new gearbox shell

Ok, First time I game my new AEG, I get this:

Should have inspected my gun months ago, but anyway, I need a new gearbox. This was the Stock TM one, and I'm not sure exactly which one to buy.

I need a V2 gearbox, I heard that G&P are good value, but what about other brands? G&P Seems to be kind of harder to find.

Wondering about those:

- Action
- Guarder
- Systema
- HurricanE
- Element (hit or miss with element, as usual?)
- Modify (Torus model?)
- KA
- others...?

Basically, pretty much all the widely known brands. I am planning on buying it on either Redwolf/WGC or UNcompany since I need to order a bunch of other parts. Buying overseas will be cheaper and I don't need them any time soon.
Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
If you're not a "Sciency" type of guy, if it ain't broke don't fix it, but if you're an Engineer you'll probably have the world view of "if it ain't broke, it doesn't have enough features yet".
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Old September 15th, 2010, 13:33   #2
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A couple of things to consider at this point:
- DON'T buy a guarder mechbox shell...junk
- Consider buying a complete assembled mechbox
--- what is the condition of your current switch assembly? If it's burned out and worn you'll want to switch it out now.
--- do you want to mess with transplanting all the guts of your current mechbox into the new one?
--- if you're running plastic bushings in the TM box'll have to buy bushings and reshim it all. You should reshim anyways going into a new shell...but with a complete mechbox the shimming should be at least most of the way done for you (and sometimes it's just done complete nice out of the box...but you should check).
--- might not be an issue...but some parts might be a tough fit into other types of shells...(i.e. CA parts into other shells, etc...)
--- are your gears worn? is your piston worn? Are you switching over to a bearing spring guide (vs. stock plastic TM one)? Are you switching pistons/piston heads? I'd keept the TM one if it's not worn out.

Those things...and others (nozzle/tappet)...might all add up to about the same cost as a complete new box and you'd avoid the headaches of rebuilding it from scratch bit by bit.

Anyways...if I had to get one right now I'd buy a complete mechbox (G&P or Systema), give it a check over for shimming, compression and FPS tuning...and just go with that. The old mechbox would go into the parts bin for later or I'd just give the parts to someone who needed them.
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Old September 15th, 2010, 15:32   #3
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Are you going to be transplating or drop in replacing?

Whether you are transplanting your guts or dropping in a complete box i recommend:

King Arms <- especially shells
Element / Action / 5Ku / Supershooter

G&P <- shell or complete better value over systema, add a extra piston
Systema <-shell of complete
Haynes <- only the shells available and they are in the 200-400 range used.
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Old September 15th, 2010, 17:56   #4
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I am planning on transplanting the parts I currently have. They are a mix of HurricanE and stock TM parts.

Just wondering, is this

and this:

Are those 2 shells the same, but one is a complete mechbox for like 15$ more? Or there is a catch somewhere?

Edit: ok, except the fact that one is 7mm and the other is 8mm
Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
If you're not a "Sciency" type of guy, if it ain't broke don't fix it, but if you're an Engineer you'll probably have the world view of "if it ain't broke, it doesn't have enough features yet".

Last edited by Doombringer; September 15th, 2010 at 18:17..
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Old September 21st, 2010, 18:07   #5
formerly aBseNtceLL
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I personally went for the Modify V2 7mm Torus gearbox and I can say I am extremely happy with it, it is very solid and nicely reinforced. It has nice view ports were you can see how things are lined and you can re-grease with the gearbox assembled. The front is reinforced even more. Also, it uses my favorite screw, torx!

The only thing that I didn't like was the fact that you need to use their tappet plate or modify your other tappet plate to work, as there grooves cut into both sides of the front of it (for the extra front reinforcement). Though at the same time the one they provide is very reliable and I haven't had any problems with it.

Here's a link to it:

Regardless of what you go for out of the ones that others have mentioned I think you will be happy, I just wanted to plug Modify as everything I have bought of theirs I have been extremely happy with, gearsets (specifically the modular one), springs, pistons, piston heads, cylinders, cylinder heads, tappet plates, switch assemblies, all of those I have used and I am very happy with.

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Last edited by cellulose; September 21st, 2010 at 18:10..
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Old September 21st, 2010, 23:18   #6
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G&P mechboxes are awesome, I've never had any issues with them, especially for fitment. And they are tanks.
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Old September 22nd, 2010, 00:02   #7
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
G&P mechboxes are awesome, I've never had any issues with them, especially for fitment. And they are tanks.
+1 i would go with the G&P 8mm metal bearings gearbox..Personally, I wouldnt buy a complete mechbox, i would rather customize each part for fine tuning. Yes, a complete mechbox may shim it for u, but i rather do it myself to make sure its properly shimmed and properly greased.

Before u order a mechbox shell, u might want to check if other components are decent, because u might as well order them along with your shell to save shipping costs.
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