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Tanaka striker spring in KJW M700..... NOT impressed!


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Old January 15th, 2006, 13:44   #1
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Tanaka striker spring in KJW M700..... NOT impressed!

Yup, was told it's a good consistant upgrade by a reputable guy (incidenatlly, he doesn't use his M700 for airsoft, has it rigged up to CO2 or compressed air, modded with no hop up and 600+fps, only for target shooting......... yes, he's in the Phillipines).

Anyways, some of you have seen my posting this info, that the striker spring gives more consistant gas release between shots. I bought a G&G Tanaka M24/M700 striker spring from WGC for a whopping $4US, and installed it. Comparing this spring to the stock spring (I'll say now that I cut two coils off the stock spring early on, and found it worked nicely), the new spring was about 1/2" shorter, but the wire used was about twice as thick.

For starters, it made the gun shoot very hard on propane, harder than I'd feel comfortable with on the field, even at a guy 150ft away. Accuracy sucked ass in my basement (30ft) using 0.29g SGM and 0.30g Straight (washed) BBs. Groups of 2-3" were very common, considering previously I could get all 10 shots into a hole the size of a quater before consistanly. Propane worked best, duster was really screwy. A couple shots would hit point of aim, then the next couple had the velocity of a person throwing the BBs, and hit a couple inches low. Propane was much more consisant, but not very impressive accuracy at that range (remember, small things at shorter distances become big things farther away!)

Add in, the smooth action and trigger pull became rough and clunky, and a heavy & stiff trigger pull resulted as well. And, for some odd reason, the mag catch either got stuck and had to force the mag out through the open bolt, or when cycling the action, the mag would fall out.

After a few nights of testing and trying to get it to work right, I said fuck it and put the original stock spring back in, and all the problems outlined above disappeared.

Anyways, nutshell is, avoid buying this spring. I "took one for the ASC and Warmongers (we have three) team" and followed my own advice I've been giving out, based upon the knowledge of a guy I respect a lot (Dispatch on AirSoft Retreat) and always has great info and very knowledgable, and found it a bum upgrade.
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Old January 15th, 2006, 14:51   #2
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Yeah but dont forget, its been design for tanaka and not for cheap KJW 700 even tought they look the same the engineering put in the gun reflects in the cost of the weapon. I'll know for sure what are worth these spring since I got all the G&G goodies made for the M24 comming to my door in a week or 2.
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Old January 15th, 2006, 15:54   #3
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Thanx for the tip.
Looks like I'll be sticking with the stock spring after all.
Has anyone heard whether or not the first factory tight bore inner will fit the KJW?
It's probably the one upgrade I'm most interested in and I haven't been able to find anything on if it's compatable or not.
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