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woodland camo/ us marine corps/ g36c



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Old January 20th, 2011, 15:04   #1
a.k.a. evaboe
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woodland camo/ us marine corps/ g36c

Hey there im currently faced with a slight gear problem. To date iv been using my m16-a3 and my prefered uniform has been of course the woodland camo, and sort of down the line of the US Marine Corps style, with the helmet etc. However, my recent favorite weapon of choice has swithed to a g36c, and being a german make im not so sure it matches with my woodland camo outfit. Im reluctant to change to something elso tho, but finding any pics of this kind of thing has been a dead end street, as well as finding vests that are gauranteed to fit the g36c mags. Maybe im way off the wall here? I dont know... Any help, pics, links to vests/ chest rigs, etc would be hugely apreciated. Thanks...
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Old January 20th, 2011, 15:12   #2
a.k.a. evaboe
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Im sorry i cant post any pics right now of my current loadout i have to use the public internet due to my own computer being out of service... But if any one has any pics youd like to post of a loadout of this type id be gratefull, or just as good, a loadout designed for the g36 series...!!
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Old January 20th, 2011, 16:01   #3
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I would research the G36 and see what countries have it in service. Maybe some of those use a woodland cmo.....but definitely not USMC.
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Old January 20th, 2011, 18:34   #4
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Dude this is airsoft. If you want to dress like a US Marine and use a G36 then why not go for it?
I'm sure there are pouches avalible that are MOLLE compatible and will fit your mags. Alot of euro armies are using MOLLE style gear now.
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Old January 20th, 2011, 22:01   #5
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Personally I'd try to go for a German KSK loadout. Thats probably the most badass and accurate loadout you can do with a G36. I'm pretty sure KSK uses Coyote brown CIRAS vests, and the German equivalent of a MICH. And Flecktarn is pretty damn easy to come by. Heres a pretty cool video for reference- YouTube - Special Forces Germany 1/4 KSK
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Old January 20th, 2011, 22:13   #6
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The KSK does use Coyote Brown but the good thing is : they use whatever they want ! They are one of the most free unit I saw when it comes to gear. Only thing necessary : a Felcktarn outfit (except for combat swimmers).
The helmet is the PASGT but they wear a lot of boonie hat.
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Old January 20th, 2011, 22:23   #7
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Flecktarn is easy to get...KSK use an IDZ vest which is not molle compatible and is virtually impossible to get! They use theatre appropriate camo (Flecktarn or Wustentarn) most often . I have only seen them in other vests of uniforms, The generally operate in Bundeswehr issue gear.

G36 pouches are large. If you file the attachment lugs of the mags you can fit a single G36 mag into a M4 puch as they are 5.56 Nato size.

Like I said...if you want to stick with woodland then research the G36 users and see if there is a camo match...

If not, don't worry about as like the dude above is Airspoft. are going to be playing against some guys in jeans and running shoes.....and they are Spec Ops!
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Old January 20th, 2011, 22:23   #8
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You should get in touch with medhatboy he told me his team can get whole flecktarn sets. He is the "Fleckman".
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Old January 24th, 2011, 18:48   #9
a.k.a. evaboe
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Nice info people, thanks. Cool video, would be better even if i spoke german a little more fluently!! but very informative nonetheless..
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Old January 24th, 2011, 18:51   #10
a.k.a. evaboe
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Originally Posted by Ninja_En_Short View Post
The KSK does use Coyote Brown but the good thing is : they use whatever they want ! They are one of the most free unit I saw when it comes to gear. Only thing necessary : a Felcktarn outfit (except for combat swimmers).
The helmet is the PASGT but they wear a lot of boonie hat.
So that helmet that they are using in the video is a PASGT? i have a helmet somewhat similar but with more of a visor, wich im not totaly sold on, but i like it due to the goggle systems i use being the ESS Land Ops, wich are a bit thicker and the helmet and the goggles work very well together...
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Old January 25th, 2011, 13:05   #11
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KSK units currently use Tactical Tailor Split front MAV, also the EI CIRAS has been in a couple photos. The Tasmanian Tiger chest rig is also a very comfortable chest rig used by KSK and other German elite. It kind of resembles a HSGI Denali. The Tiger rig is all built in pouches holding G36 style mags (its a German manufacturer). The Tactical Tailor and EI rigs are MOLLE based, so you'll need to find the appropriate pouches for it, though I'd recommend HSGI universal mag pouch. The pouch will hold 3 M4 mags, or 2 G36 mags, or 2 AK mags very comfortably.

For helmets they don't use PSGT as much anymore. They are currently using MICH/ACH types, and also testing a Crye prototype helmet.

Woodland camo doesn't get used much internationally, though I may have seen a KSK unit using it during a training OP, or it could of been a Sage flight suit, can't remember.

If you go KSK route, they are almost exclusive to the EoTech, may have seen a couple T1 MICROS during demonstration only.

Hate to say it, but the G36 isn't being used to much by the worlds elite, most are switching to M4 varients (US, Canada, Poland, UK, Denmark, ect..)

But all in all KSK isn't very limited in gear choices.
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Last edited by Stewartb109; January 25th, 2011 at 13:07.. Reason: spelling changes.
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Old January 25th, 2011, 15:21   #12
a.k.a. evaboe
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Ya that would make more sense, I own a PSGT, but that does look more like a MICH that they are using. And partly whats stopped me from getting a CIRUS style vest is they look very bulky and hot for summer time use, but never having gamed with one please feel free to correct me if im wrong on that. Stewart would you by any chance have a link to that tasmanian tiger chest rig you mentioned? Or a web site where i might find it? Im still a bit new to the sport so i dont got all the web sites down yet...!
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Old January 25th, 2011, 15:49   #13
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Its pretty much a European sold rig only, though I'm sure they would ship to the US. You'll notice that its basically a mix between the US version RRV and 1961 style chest rigs. Its covered in MOLLE with built on GP pouches and mag pouches so you'll have plenty of customizing options. Here is a link to a review and pictures

Tasmanian Tiger MK II chest rig:

As for a CIRAS, your correct... it'll look great for photo ops, but in terms of airsoft use, its to much physical drain. Its an armor that was designed for hardcore Direct Action missions. It would balance total manueverability with all around protection using III-A soft and level 3 strike plates. Its an amazingly bulky armor system that will cook you in the heat.
As an alternative, stick with some sort of chest rig as a base (you can do DA and GS with them ), then toss in a low pro armor carrier for all around body coverage (PACA, TAG Havoc, Veltyre Hugger, Mayflower low-vis Armor Carrier). That way in CQB you minimize your bloody flesh, then you can transition to GREENSIDE by removing the armor carrier to save money.

Also I'd look around for a real MICH/ACH, they can be found as low as $80 USSR, since they come in sizes (so you wont look like the guy from spaceballs)

Other headgear you can look into, are Protec A-Alpha High Cut, or ACE water models. Those are great helmets for maritime operations!

If You have any other questions, ask away
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Old January 25th, 2011, 16:45   #14
a.k.a. evaboe
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Thanks Stewart. And yes i found a MICH tc-2000 for only $40 which i like, however my concern is that the slightly larger goggles i have will not be compatible with this helmet. Again i stand to be corrected on that. This normaly i guess would not be a big deal but i have a paranoia about fogging, and the goggles i have are really good, being able to use the duel lens system. Proper head and face protection as you can probably tell already is a really big neccesity to me. I have also recently started using the mesh face mask that has lately started to become popular, which unfortunately brings my goggles out a bit further yet. Losing the mask for me at this point is not even an option, as it has saved my face/mouth/teeth on countless occasions from barrages of bbs. So once again, im lookin for tips, links, whatever for those tried and true systems that i know are out there. Realism for me is something i try for, but not being a millionare its hard to obtain right off the bat..! Thanks again for all the amazinly informative help to date...

Last edited by airsoftjunky; January 25th, 2011 at 16:48..
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Old January 25th, 2011, 17:03   #15
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ESS land OPs will be fine with a MICH, and are you sure its a real MICH for $40? Real ones come in sizes and generally have a sticker on the inside with serial (MSA for example) number, and ballistics rating. Most MICH helmets are level III , few are level IV.

My fireteams will use ESS turbofans (slightly larger than land ops due to the fan), Revision Desert Locust, and Oakley A Frame.. all of those goggles were designed to fit with those helmets and use NVG seemlessly.

Are you using the full face mesh mask? Or the half face version? The half face is a lot more comfortable and wont shove your goggles away, however, if you put a Balaclava or anything over the mesh you'll fog (without aid of course). Though what is this "dual lens" system your referring to? The Rx inserts that ESS does?
Callsign: Ghost, C 1-9
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