Originally Posted by burningashes
Theres another airsoft arena (With poor Laser Tag lightning ofcourse) in Calgary. Its near Marlbrough mall. If your walking, you would have to go up the hill and it comes after the old rail tracks and warehouses. As for Larry, perhaps a boycott? If no airsofter is gonna come there (Few go there anyways), less money for him. But someone has to talk to him first. Maybe pretend to be new so he can feed you bullshit and then catch him in the act? Though the spineless and shameless creature that he is, he probably wont give a damn.
That other place you talk about is an indoor paintball field.. made for speedball.
But be my guest, and play there if you wish.
Note that JOC doesnt go there for a reason.
Although I myself only frequent LT once a year, I cant really blame larry.
Like someone mentioned earlier, he is just running a business... and is in it for the money (what little it brings in). Remeber his main focus is laser tag, and not airsoft.
You should actually thank the guy for even letting us use the facility. If it wasn't for LT, there wouldn't be an indoor facility to play in at all.
Sure his prices may be high and he may overcharge for some of his goods.. but then again, he is in a business to make money.
Its quite simple... if you dont like his business practises, or his prices, then dont go.
As for the boycott movement... a boycott might be more effective if the local community (ie JOC) is involved. Its pretty useless if someone in Edmonton, Toronto, Vancouver, etc boycotts a facility in Calgary.