Thread: Basspro
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Old May 18th, 2009, 19:04   #89
Join Date: Mar 2009
Originally Posted by aZn_triXta07 View Post
Honestly, it really takes one large company to request a China company to manufacture clear bodies instead of black receivers for the JGs, than we'd be able to have the same China stuff here for lower prices with only clear bodies that can be easily painted or replaced with metal receivers.

I've spoken with a manufacturer in China and they said the minimum order would be one shipping container and you'd get the AEGs made to your specifications.

Too bad there's not enough good stuff out yet, but Aftermath is starting to get the hang of things. Hopefully another US Distributor will catch on that they could expand their business into Canada + other states where there are restrictions on Airsoft.

I'd also like to add that, if a US Distributor went and had this done we would be almost in a similar case as the UK. Just that they can obtain normal unpainted airsoft alot easier than we can. Clear isn't bad cause you can paint it, whereas in the UK if they don't pay for the paperwork they'll have to deal with two-tone bright green o.O
SCORE!! i went in to basspro on saturday and i noted they had one JG airsoft gun in stock! thats right JING GONG is working with basspro now. i didnt manage to pick one up because i didnt have enough money on me, because i only went there to pick up a new pistol i think next time i go i will pick one up
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