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Old May 17th, 2009, 15:39   #1
Join Date: May 2009
Location: San Francisco, USA
KSC USPc Doesn't feed BB's

Hi everyone,

I just bought my first GBB (im a airsoft noob), a KSC USPc. I just bought gas yesturday, and tried to fire it, but it didnt fire right.

So i load up the mag with bb's, im pretty sure the right sized ones, and loaded it up with gas (green gas, it was kinda spraying everywhere when i was filling it so i dont know if i did it right), and loaded the mag in the gun. I cocked the metal slide back to feed the first bb, and shot it, and it was fine, but then the shots following where nothing--no bb's fired. The blowback action is fine, i think. I have to cock the slide back everytime to manually feed a bb.
I checked the mag and slide and everything is fine (not skewed or anything, bbs stacked right).

the only thing i can think of is, that the slide does go all the way back to feed another bb,

maybe not enough gas pressure?

Sorry this is my first contact with airsoft so dont eat me up too much

Thanks for the help.
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