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Old May 13th, 2009, 23:42   #1
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Location: Ontario
TM Mk23 mag issue.

Ok first things first, this magazine has already had the epoxy mod done to it to it can accept green gas/propane. This is a different issue.

I was charging the magazine today for a little plinking, using some propane and an AI adapter. So I pressed the adapter to the ...I really don't know what the part is called, but where you insert the gas adapter to charge the magazine with gas. Anyway, go to charge it and right away I hear a pssssssshhh and can feel the propane coming back out of where I just charged it, (while charging it)(See diagram). But whatever gas manages to get in there (usually a very small amount) stays in there with no issues. It's just whenever I try to charge it, the gas just doesn't seem to go in. To sum it up, I guess the issue is getting the gas INTO the mag.


It's really rough I know...
The four arrows at the tip of the adapter represent the gas flow.
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