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Old April 28th, 2009, 14:37   #28
GBB Whisperer
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Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Toronto
Given this new information, I think you had merely set your expectations too high with a cheap knock off gearbox clone. Combining that with continuing to run the gun after the gearbox broke, it's no surprise you had the following problems after - they are all results of continuing to run the gun after the front end of a mechbox pops off.

For the price you paid for the amount of stuff that scooby put in to fix a headache mechbox, you got a STEAL.

The headaches that those cheap mechboxes cause are exactly why I don't work on them, and if I do, the labour costs are so high that the buyer might as well have bought a good quality mechbox to begin with.

Buy cheap, buy twice. If you think the $300 you paid was an outrageous price, then you are in the wrong sport.
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