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Old April 28th, 2009, 06:16   #17
pipefitter316's Avatar
Join Date: May 2008
Location: everywhere
well upon opening up my gun it turned out that my work on the gun was a joke, horrible drill holes a mix mash gear box and more stuff that I can write. Hey you know who Im talking about , Im not gonna mention your name but Im am gonna stop anyone who says their gonna go to you for gun work, your work is shit and you played me for a fool so good for you, but now people know about your work, alot of guys know about your shit job and already want to stay away for you, you know Im still fairly new to this sport and Im just amazed by all the great help and feedback I get from guysin this sport its to bad aclown like you has to rip me off and make me lose a little faith in the people of this sport.
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