all my aegs apart from my marui m4 do this, to alleviate the problem i just lightly tap the trigger in semi to pull the piston back in stages and then the final tap releases the piston ready for storage.
this is why ive never understood why all aegs dont have the spring release lever like the ics m4 and g&g sa80 has.
though as mentioned before some guns ive upgraded for others were prone to doing this but stopped after the springs were greatly upgraded.
an extra note is that if your semi cut off lever wears greatly youll loose semi completely and have full auto only, the torque in the gear set with a lower power spring will continue rotation even after the cut off lever cuts power to the motor
ca scar/icsm4/galaxy mp7/agm m14/ ca sa58/g&g l85/ca mp5/tm m4/ca g3/g&g ak104/maruzen m11cqb/g&g sr25/ca m4a1/top m249/ a&k masada/tmp90/jg552 seals/tm m16a1/tm uzi/l96/star l1a1/de m56/dboy kac pdw/jg g36c/a&k druganov/tm mc51/m93r aep/glock aep/tm thompson/agm mp40/hexagon ppsh41/dboy k98 wood
Last edited by screwdriver; April 20th, 2009 at 17:30..