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Old April 17th, 2009, 20:47   #10
lemegacool's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: notre dame des prairies /quebec
you'll need a very high amperage bench top power supply if you want to run the gun off it, i have a 7 amp adjustable one and the overload led lights as soon as i press the trigger... id say minimum 15 amps, and wtf it must be a very old car battery to be drained like that by a airsoft gun! i know car batteries arent made for deep discharge purpose but still...

and for hooking it up to the wall just buy 4 big diodes make a bridge with them (to obtain dc) and watch you gun firing it's last round with an incredible trigger response

member of fire team NOM. my other regular forum: / gen3,gen4 camry
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