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Old April 12th, 2009, 11:32   #103
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Originally Posted by LUTNIT View Post
G&P has been coming out with more and more upgrade parts for TM M14's, I wouldn't be surprised if they released an M14 based on TM's instead of G&G's flawed design that CA based theirs off of.
G&P has:

MPEGs are displacing TM AEGs due to monetary considerations, not performance and reliability considerations. People who claim their MPEG is better then a TM are doing so because they read the muzzle velocity specs on AirsoftGI and made a major incorrect assumption about performance. They have never seen a stock TM AEG shoot.

And no, your JG M4 is not just as reliable as the TM, get real.

Other premium AEG companies offer direct performance competition against TM AEGs (like the new G&P M14s). You can now basically get a seriously upgraded G&P M14 (full TM clone) for less money then an original .98j stock TM M14. It's a no brainer.
Same with Armalites. Are you going to buy a TM M4 or a G&G, G&P or KWA M4? That is also a no brainer.

IMHO, TM still makes the best AUG, G36C, FAMAS, P90 and Thompson. Models like the AK47, G3 and MP5 are a toss up. All TM AEGs are extremely reliable and accurate.

Unless Tokyo Marui opens up a factory outside of Japan, you aren't going to see higher stock muzzle velocity AEGs from them. Competing companies will continue to offer better value alternatives to TM AEGs and over time TM will lose North American market share.

That's free enterprise and it's a good thing for us airsofters.
Bob - My TM M14, AK47 and G36KV

Last edited by namloot; April 13th, 2009 at 23:28..
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