I ended up getting the VSR-10 Sniper Pro with a 3-9x40 scope. The VSR had a barrel upgrade in it, and the clerk recommended it over the G-Spec because of the longer barrel length and tight bore. The scope is over kill, but when I asked him about the point of a scope at such low fps and distances he laughed and said "a scope is just...fun!" he showed me a few scopes and I picked up a mid priced one.
I got it home, got it all put together, and he was right. Fun.
There is something about hitting a 5 yen coin (about 5 cent coin with hole in the middle) on dental floss hanging from the ceiling 4/5 times from 10 Meters (longest distance in the house). I am going to have fun with this outside.
I am into audio recording so am thinking about doing some field recording comparing the volume of the M14, S-System, VSR-10, MEU GBB, and UPS electric pistol.
Thanks for all the suggestions.
Oh, and as an aside...
The M4 SOPMOD has been sold out here in Japan since it came out, and as I was leaving the store with my new VSR-10 and scope I looked up on the wall and saw a used one sitting there. i asked about it and they said it didn't have a box or instruction manual, but was otherwise fine. I mentioned it to my buddy the next day and he immediately went and picked it up! Oh well, I am still going to 1 shot 1 kill his ass next game while he trying to find me in the bush :-)