Thread: l96 and foam
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Old March 1st, 2009, 03:08   #8
Official ASC Bladesmith
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Originally Posted by Amos View Post
Take everything apart, split the stock in half down the seam lines, fill each half with foam (do not fill the magazine well)

Wait for it to expand and harden, cut the foam flush with both sides and re-assemble.
Fuck that, drill holes in places that are hidden when the gun is together, and use the expanding foam sold at Rona/Home Depot. Just don't overfill, might split your stock (which would lead you to what Amos said), but try to get as much in as you feel is enough. I filled my KJW M700 stock the way I said, didn't make it quieter since it's a gas gun, but did make it feel more solid. Never have I heard of anyone splitting the halves ad filling each separately, all I read is fill it by drilling inconspicuous holes and filling from there. Clamps or storng rubber bands would help keep the halves together.
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