Thread: warm gear
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Old February 21st, 2009, 14:36   #3
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Windsor, Ontario
We have one guy on our team of idiots that actually wears something called ColdGear UnderArmor or something? He says it doesn't inhibit his movement at all sicne it's a rather tight fit, but also not tight to the point where it's uncomfortable. I actually went and looked up the cost of UnderArmor's ColdGear or whatever it's called, something with the world Cold in front of it, the cost is kind of expensive. It was like 30-40 dollars just for the shirt, and then another 30-40 for the pants.

If it's as good as I'm being told it is, it might be good, this way you're not burning more money on additional uniform sets just to keep warm, instead you can keep your normal loadouts and just add in the UnderArmor stuff.

Primary: Custom WE M16A3
Secondary: KWA MP9
Side: Custom WE M1911A1
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