call this post part rant, part praise.
first of all after reading page one of this post i was curious about gun gumming up issues, however i think the applications of a mark bb can be huge and may have greater benifiets then having to clean your barrel out all the time. then that was sorted and now i'm a believer.
i thought it would be great for unfelt hits.. unless you've played at lazer trek indoor in calgary, the honour system works great. people have sportsmanship in most places. i think the biggest problem is lazer trek let's players 16+ play and most teenagers hate to lose. so they hardly give you the benifiet of the doubt. with this there is no doubt.
and for big games like the battlefield game, border wars, it is a must, imagine if your blue team, and your bunkered down and getting shot at, then you notice blue bb's falling around you. hey same team, must have missed the confirmation call. it will definitly help lower friendly fire incidents.
i think these are a great idea. endless possibilities.