When I first saw this thread I was going to rush down to the Quick Reply and bash the hell out of the idea, carrying on about how airsofters don't need "markers" and such. However, after reading Mr. Kirkpatrick's post above, it really made me remember why I play airsoft in the first place.
I play airsoft, and not paintball, for two reasons:
1) Because airsofters, in general, have a more "realistic" mindset than paintballers
2) Airsoft features 1:1, or very close to 1:1, replications of real-steel firearms. The mechanics of a paintball marker, and the paintball itself, simply do not allow for that. Plain and simple.
That said, I play airsoft because it offers me to closest replication of real combat that I can get. If another sport pops up that offers me more realism that is competitive with airsoft in terms of costs and availability, I would switch in a heartbeat. I have no loyalties to airsoft in that regard. Right now, it's a training tool. Do I care whether my rifle is battery or gas operated? Hell no. Do I care if the ammunition marks up my clothing? It's not quite as realistic as a sucking chest wound, but it'll do.
I think anything that can help improve our sport, and a marking system can and will most definitely improve Airsoft's viability as a professional and competitive sport, should be welcomed with open arms by the entire community.
What we have here is an innovation that is literally bridging the gap between the competition-level acceptance of paintball and the realism of airsoft. Airsoft is only an honor game because, up until now, it has been FORCED to be! This marking ammunition will augment the honor system already in place and allow for airsoft to actually be used in a competitive capacity. Ever wonder why airsoft hasn't really taken off as well as paintball? This is why.
I'm going to back this product 150% because I think Grudge Tactical just bought Airsoft's ticket to the big leagues.
Last edited by Wilson; February 20th, 2009 at 04:53..