February 10th, 2009, 22:59
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Glace Bay, Nova Scotia
Originally Posted by Alex_20
Im really upset at the idea that even if one or two of this gun ever makes it too Canada it will cost $1500, $1500!! thats fucked, this gun better be able too blow me for that much money. we pay way too much for guns in canada, I think we in the Canadian Airsoft world have become so used too paying insane amounts of money on toys that cost fuck all too produce that $1500 does not even sound like alot of money, yet it is an insane amount of money considering what your getting, Shit you can buy a good real firearm for equal or less and a fucking toy that shoots plastic bbs costs 1500. Fuck im upset, the future looks bleek.
The don't buy it?
Originally Posted by Alex_20
Very Good point. But I want that Draganov so bad!
Then buy it?
make up your mind maybe?