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Old December 27th, 2008, 08:59   #58
CerberusNet's Avatar
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Belle River
Yea, like most of the players and retailers here have responded, I agree this is a bad idea. This would be crossing a line that airsoft was never intended to cross. It is a game for recreational and tactical purposes. Not to see how much damage you can inflict on others before really harming them. Obviously there's major legal issues here considering that anything over 500FPS and 5.7J is treated as a firearm, therefor using such a mod in any game would be looked at as a criminal offense. I hope to god no one tries using this crap on my field or I'll personally see to it they're punished fully. As far as I know this site, much like my company, is in place for the purpose of familiarizing the sport of airsoft as a safe and fun recreational hobby for gamers to enjoy. Not something kids can use to test the limits of the law and players pain thresholds. I disagree with this idea and hopefully it will never see daylight.
The Airsoft Armory
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