Thread: Mopic airsoft
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Old December 9th, 2008, 13:16   #23
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Originally Posted by matt491 View Post
He has a crazy job! He works out of the country 99% of the time, all over the world. He works in the media, and with what's going on in the world right now, I'm surprised he has time to sell airsoft at all!

Chill out and be thankful that we still have retailers with decent prices like Mopic. He communications may be a bit slow, but this isn't his full time job. Understand that he does this on the side.

I've bought two guns from him, no problem. One had GREAT coms, literally an hour after I'd send a pm, he'd respond, but he was in the country for that week.
Second gun he was out of country on a news story, coms took a little longer, but I got my gun.

He has always gotten people their gun or a refund. Relax and remember that he doesn't do this full time. He has another busy, stressful job.
OK OK.. NO, no matter what mopic does for a living this still does NOT make up for the BS that he pulls. after all the bad reviews I have seen about mopic I have sworn that I will never buy from him. Sorry but Mopic if you want to retail your guns then learn to reply to your customers Quick and Swiftly also make your emails more understandable.
Originally Posted by Deftonius View Post
Dammit, White Knight never should have made this, now Planters is gonna show this picture to the entire internet saying "This is when I cleared the cornfield outside of Baghdad and found Saddam Hussein! DRRRRR I'M BLACKWATER!!! DRRRR! Oh hai Ronan! *insert ***** in mouth*"
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