i still dont see what the problem with it is and why it wont work after screwing the selector lever on.
id think that after you have it in the receiver and the selector lever screwed on snugly those parts wouldnt slip out of place like that.
are the connecting corners of the hole and nub in the parts 3 area rounded off? id assume that if there was enough force there to wear the teeth off part 2 then thered probly be enough to put wear on the hole and nub and round them enough so that they dont stay in place any longer
buying a new selector set is most likely the best and only way to solve this

Originally Posted by MillerBRo
dont let the elitist gun snobs who only clicked on your post to thread shit tell you other wise (they are OHHHH so helpful here- they wont offer you any help but will be self rightous pricks cause they are CLEARLY 'pros' who overpaid for their guns roflmao)
Last edited by Dusti69; November 6th, 2008 at 20:16..