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Old October 27th, 2008, 20:17   #10
Red Wine & Adderall
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Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Saskatoon, SK
Originally Posted by Dusti69 View Post
oh well i like the shark. think its cool lookin in an agressive kinda way. i might pick one up if i have an extra 30 bucks

mind posting a link to where that front piece can be bought at? ive never seen it anywhere where it wasnt attatched to a gun.
can you put that on the end of any m type or does it require a specific front end?
Ooh I would but I just bought the last 2 they had in stock.
Anyways, Im not exactly sure how it works, but one would assume that you would require a certain length RIS. Im assuming about a 7 inch. Essentially you keep your regular M4 barrel and there is internal threading near the front of the piece that you would thead onto your barrel and if everything was koshure it would all sit flush and sturdy against the RIS. However thats just all speculation,for all I know it could be an entirely different set up, maybe you need a barrel that as long as the RIS so its all flush. I guess I'll find out soon enough.

"Its only a little bit on fire"
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