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Old September 19th, 2008, 15:40   #101
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Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: notre dame des prairies /quebec
Originally Posted by Dusti69 View Post
everything was kept locked in a room. but the house doors are easilly unlocked with a small flat head screw driver. and i keep my guns batteries in the battery compartments un plugged and mags in the gun. i dont really see any problems with it. even if they were laying seperate its no big mysystery how to hook everything up
may i suggest you something, my guns are locked up in a case like that, it costs about 60$ at canadian tire and you can put 4 locks on it anyway you are obligated to have a gun case when you are going to play airsoft so with that you have a secure gun storage AND a gun case deal... and if you want to display your arsenal on the wall you can always put triggers locks on them! they are pretty cheap on ebay!
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