Allergic :D
I noticed, the RX inserts are quite big, using plenty of space inside the goggles, these ones look especially big.
It should solve the reduced field of vision, thats why i use big glasses for daily use,
The ESS inserts seem to be a bit smaller.
yeah i'm a bit obsessed with "perfect vision", for example i don't touch my glasses, at all, don't even clean them with cloth, i just apply some liquid soap on them, rub the soap on them a bit, and keep it under the shower, pressured water until the water cleans the soap off, than i dip the glasses into a bowl of clean water and slowly take them out, if you do it correctly, the glasses will come out of the water completely dry because of the water's surface tension. This way you can prevent your glasses from blurring out at least 2-3 years.