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Old August 12th, 2008, 02:25   #56
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Glace Bay, Nova Scotia
Originally Posted by Drache View Post

Wholesale prices are pretty much BS! Knock off approx 25% from the price the store lists it at and there is your wholesale price!

So what I wrote before about a $50 scope being sold wholesale for $35 is still the same! I've got the whole wholesale price list if anyone wants a copy! It's in a microsoft Excel file!

So buying something at $35 and trying to sell it for $50 in country with shipping included is pretty much a bust. I know personally I cant do business at those prices....
shipping would cost $11, so your basically making only $4 out of each scope, and thats not even counting the duty(Then maybe not even $1!). That example Paul said on the letter is pretty much a BS.
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