Originally Posted by matt491
I think I've lurked in the shadows quietly long enough that I can put in my two cents without getting banned....I hope...
Honestly? Everyone of these "look at my gun" threads from Mr Hitman to me just seems like a big "FUCK YOU AND YOUR RULES ASC". All they say is, "I'm underage and have airsoft guns even though the general consensus is that I shouldn't, and I'm gonna wave it in your face that I'm getting away with it".
Some people on this site may have given in to you, some people may even like you and say you're a decent kid. Fact is, you're 16. Give it a rest till you're 18. Every other underager who tries to get airsoft guns gets shot down HARD, how come we put up with him?
Hm, it's not against the rules to own airsoft.
I don't disrespect anyone. But somehow, I get disrespected for being a minor.
I didn't try to get airsoft guns. So why am I being shot down HARD for?
But here's what Cortexburn said awhile back.
Yeah....that's enough. Yes...he does ask for it with some of his posts...but he's been the brunt of ALOT of harassment on ASC.
As for banning him for being a minor with airsoft...time to wake up, it's not illegal for minors to own airsoft...and it's not illegal to be a minor. He doesn't go out of his way to name call or throw shit in other members faces when he is here.
So why do you guys still continue?
On a note, I don't ask the admins to ban people. I report issues like harassing, and hatred which ARE against the ASC rules.