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Old July 9th, 2008, 01:10   #78
aka SNK or Shaniqua
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Join Date: May 2008
Location: Calgary, AB
Originally Posted by Nicksthename View Post
hey, the gearbox is not all plastic it has some metal parts,, can i put this gearbox in as a replacement ?
Isn't this the same gearbox that is in the gun in the first place. It looks a little plastic to me (might be wrong), look at the shell. The whole thing might crack after a while...maybe that's why they have replacements LOL!

Dude, I am on your side but you are digging a hole with these ideas. The gun is not great, that's what everybody is telling you. We know what we're talking about and we're only trying to help you from wasting your money. Airsoft upgrade parts are typically only made for high-end AEGs and the cheap china brands and clearsoft are not guaranteed to be mechanically compatible. Even Classic Army gearboxes can be different from Tokyo Marui gearboxes. You can use d-boy parts, but why would anybody want to?

Tell us, how much is Zaeem asking for the gun? Dboys DOES make a metal M4, it's about $130 in the US
YouTube - full metal Dboys M4 RIS - REVIEW PART 1

I bet the one Zaeem is selling is the silly plastic body and plastic gearbox version that will feel like a toy and fall apart after a few uses.

Last edited by SHÖCK; July 9th, 2008 at 01:20..
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