I have had first-hand experience with both Saskatoon City Police Dept flash-bangs go off less than 12 inches away from my feet as well as Stinger grenades. Both are VERY nasty.
This is airsoft, where we can be hurt, but building something that could fuck you right up isn't cool. I wanted to do something similar for WestCan but considering that they were to be built from those square flashes used on older cameras, AND tied in with that they would only be used at night, I was asked not to continue my work on them as they wouldn't be allowed.
Imagine having your natural night-vision all good and such, then suddenly one of these pops close-by you. Well first you'll be clutching your eyes in -PAIN-, secondly you'll be dropping your gun. Thirdly with the clutching, you'll obviously be yanking off your goggles, safety be damned, you just received a sun-burn on your retina.
Not a hell of a lot of fun. Interesting to imagine in a game, but fuck me if that goes off close to me.