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Old May 22nd, 2008, 12:34   #2
Jiggiwatt's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Ottawa, ON
It's best to stick with something more common for your first set of BDU's since it makes fitting onto a particular team easier during games. Usually you'll have Greens vs Desert, or something along those lines.

I'd recommend Multi-cam, Marpat or Cadpat as your first set since you can get repro stuff fairly easy and at a good price. If you have money to burn, there's legit stuff you can get your hands on easily enough.

If you want something a little more unique, you can always pick something a little less common such as Tiger Stripe or Flecktarn. European stuff is easy enough to find and isn't found in great quantity during most games. I'm a flecktarn man myself.

In most games, there's an OPFOR themed team so you can always put something together like this :

You mentioned WWII German stuff...there is a small community of WWII airsofters, however it's kind of difficult to create an authentic look without spending a lot of money.

At the end of the day, you should go with whatever look you feel works best and whichever gear set you find works for you and your equipment. Have a good look through the Themed Airsoft forum and see if anything strikes your fancy :
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