I gotta necro this, I'm going batshit insane.
I've been told, that an MP5k PDW stock will work on the CA33e. Here's a picture of what that stock looks like, everywhere I go to buy one :
You'll notice that unlike BC_k's picture, there is nothing which slides over the back of the receiver with single pin to secure it.
I tried what I'm quite sure is a TM MP5 RAS stock as pictured here :
This however does not fit, since the groove on the right side of the receiver is smaller than the groove on the right, so I can't actually get this stock to slide on without dremel work.
Here's a G&G UMP stock which I'm told should work :
Mantelope has put a UMP style stock on this CA33e, however there's a noticeable difference between what you see in the link above, and the picture of his modification in this thread :
I'm lost, because what I've been told by other folks either doesn't add up, or I've found out just plain doesn't work despite being told otherwise.
Whoever can get me a link to a place where I can buy a folding stock which fits on the CA33E without modification, gets a free Gun Gas Kit (BNIB Airsoft Innovations, propane and duster adapters, silicone, and propane gauge) shipped to them. Hell I'll throw in $5 with the package as well.