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Old May 6th, 2008, 22:44   #15
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Join Date: May 2008
Location: Alberta
I'll dare to break the party line here and say yes I have used them before and no they did not destroy my guns, burn my home or rape my pets.

I've tried the Palco-branded seamless paintballs in my GBBs, and had no problem with breakage inside the gun and no more problem with non-breakage in the field than with paintball. A local paintball field even let me try them out in-game recently, they're pretty useless on the field's speedball course (DUH) but if they had a woodsball field I'm sure they might make a great sidearm assuming we could deal with the FPS restrictions. :P
I haven't had the balls :wink: to try them in my AEG yet though, since worst case I figure stripping and cleaning a GBB pistol top to bottom is far easier than trying to get that crap out of a mechbox.

Palco's supplier was a company called Airsoft Solutions in CA, but they seem to have disappeared off the face of the earth since an email I received from them last fall saying they did not sell to the public, only LE/Mil and minimum order was 12,000 rounds. :sad: I was not about to burn a few hundred dollars on completely-unknown product. I've considered ordering from a supplier I found in Taiwan too but I don't have ANY information about the product at all nor have I been able to weasel out a product sample of a few hundred pellets..

Fundamentally, IF you want to try it be sure you get so-called seamless paint. This is made using a different process than .68cal paintballs, which don't have the same rigidity due to their half-shell seam. Like I said though, even having tried them in my gas guns and seen AirSol's video showing them in use in a TM AEG, I still wouldn't trust them due to the potential cost.

On a related note I hear from several paintball-playing friends that speedball is starting to decline in popularity (about time) due to the lack of realism, strategy and skill required to play.. all these being real turn-offs for new paintballers who get hosed down by players firing (I kid you not) 20 rounds per second out of their electronically-actuated guns at a range of 30 feet and are willing to burn $100 in paint a day. This is especially interesting and timely as several major paintball manufacturers have announced hefty price increases for their paint due to the increasing costs of shipping and production (god bless you oil!)

Semiauto-functionally-fullauto paintball guns and 5 minute hosefests are precisely why I quit playing paintball regularly, so I'm pleased to hear about a backlash against it even if it is 10+ years later.

Last edited by ryusoma; May 6th, 2008 at 23:01..
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