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Old April 26th, 2008, 11:16   #6
kalnaren's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Midland, Ontario
Originally Posted by CrazCo View Post
Sorry for asking a question pertaining to the forum. I apologize.
It's not that you asked a question pertaining to the forum, it's that you asked a question that with a little bit of research on your part you could have answered very quickly.

This forum is very much treated as a repository of information rather than a Q&A session. There are a lot of good threads in the FAQ section that will answer a lot of questions you may have about airsofting in Canada.

Now, to (sort of) answer your question: 200-400 isn't going to get you much of a gun in Canada. Our prices are very expensive, and even if you find an airsoft gun for 350-400, you still have magazines, batteries, BB's, and any other starting equipment you may need if you're planning on playing. The commonly accepted number for starting into airsoft in Canada is approx. $1,000.

As well, fill out your profile with your age and location so we can direct you to local players who will be able to assist you more. Second, if you are under 18, then wait. This community is very self-regulating and tries extensively to self-enforce the 18+ rule for the purchase of airsoft guns.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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