Originally Posted by TCSF-Bowers
umm i believe this is a repost
I used the search button before posting.
My point is that we really need a review. I want this gun but not so willing to pony up the cash until I know how it performs. Unlike the Systema Revo box which I plan on being one of the first.
VFC HK416D 14.5RS
Laylax Mode-2 Suppressor
Hurricane EOTech 551
RICO Alpha 9 Tactical Light
KM TN Teflon coated 6.04 barrel
Stock Gearbox
Systema Magnum Motor FTW!!!
Phantom Ciras
RS CAA 6 Position Retractable Stock
S Arms M4 160rd Midcap Magazines
Magpul PTS Enhanced Trigger Guard
Magpul PTS MIAD Grip Kit
Magpul Ranger Plates
NcStar Mark III Advance Tactical Compact Scope
Last edited by Blackspeed416; April 19th, 2008 at 10:31..