Thread: Prowin 8mm v2
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Old April 16th, 2008, 11:26   #1
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Prowin 8mm v2

so ive been working on installing my prowin 8mm, and had a few questions.

1) why do you need to cut down the hopup rubber? i get that the hop up unit is overall shorter then it regularly is, but then wouldn't the clip not work either?

2) my cylander is a little loose when everything is tightend down, it walbbles a bit in the back. is this going to be a problem?

3) I almost lost my end cap when it shot across the room, is there a place i could get a replacement one if i do loose it?

4) on the back of the end cap is a slot for the back end of a v3 spring guide, but the one that came with it was a v2, is that just to be able to accommodate a v3 if necessary? or is it meant for one.
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