Originally Posted by DONSTER 125
that looks amazing. are you gonna try and find a chrome metal kit for it?
Naw, don't have the money for that. Besides, I've already modified the grip and added weight to it so it feels heavier, and it's just for plinking. Besides, it already looks quite sexy on my wall the way it is and I'm afraid to mess that up...
Originally Posted by Mr Jon
That thing kicks ass, I had one of those... I regret selling it, it was cheap and a lot of fun
Yes! Very cheap for a revolver and looks amazing. I can sit here for hours taking the brass shells out and putting them back in! I was also really pleased to find out that redwolf was wrong! I thought it was a 6-shooter, meaning each shell only held 1 bb, but each shell holds FOUR, making it a 24 shot revolver. VERY silent, so for a pistols only game, (as if I'd ever game her) she'd actually work out well.